Double Rainbow

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It's been raining for the past week. Because of that I haven't been able to see El. I sigh out of annoyance and put my hands on the windowsill of the window nearest to my bed and look through the glass. It's still pouring, I don't know what I was expecting because I can hear the fucking constant pelting of the rain on the roof. I groan and throw myself on my bed, "Mother nature has something against me. Homophobe." 

As I lay on my bed and flip through a comic book I hear the familiar sound of my walkie coming to life. I quickly sit up and grab it from the floor next to my bed, "Who is it?" 

"Your one and only."

A smile comes to my lips, "Remind me who that is again?" 

El huffs, "Me. Are you teasing? You know I hate when you do that." 

I chuckle, "And you know I think you're cute when you're flustered." 

"Shut up. The rain stopped. Will you come over?"

I make a face and go over to the window again, pulling back the window, and sure enough the sky cleared up and the sun is peeking through the clouds. "Were you waiting by the window or something? It was raining cats and dogs a minute ago."

"Cats and dogs?!? Why would it do that?" El says sounding confused.

"It's an expression. Like the rain is coming down really hard so it sounds like cats and dogs are falling. It's a bit...morbid" I explain. 

"Ok, that's weird. You never answered me though. Are you coming over or no?" 

I smile, "Yeah I'm coming over. I'll be there soon. Bye my one and only." 

I wait for El's response before I turn off my radio. "Bye carrots," she says a few seconds later. 

I go get on my bike and put my headphones on, turning the volume all the way up I nod my head along to the beat as I pedal as hard as I can. 

When I arrive El is standing outside with a goofy smile on her face. Seeing that immediately brings me joy. "YOU'RE ADORABLE!" I yell. 

El looks down, blushing. I stop my bike and motion for El to come down, "Get on. We can go see a rainbow, it seems like we'll get one soon." 

El's face lights up, "Really? How do you know?" El says as she gets onto the bike. 

I consider it for a moment, "We're gay. We can tell when a rainbow is coming. I guess you haven't opened that power yet." 

El is silent for a second, "You're joking right?" 

I shrug, "Am I?" 

El playfully hits my arm, "Tell me the truth." 

I look back to make sure El is on the bike all right and then answer her, "After it rains and the sun comes out, like it's starting to do now, it's likely you can see a rainbow. I don't know a specific scientific explanation so that's the best you're going to get for now. We'll go to the library and figure it out tomorrow, if you want I mean." 

El squeezes my shoulders and then wraps her arms around my waist, "It's a date."

I take us out to the high school, leaving my bike in the bike rack after we get off. El looks at me, confused, "Why are we here? I thought we were going to see a rainbow, not go to school." 

I smirk, "Just trust me." 

El rolls her eyes and takes my hand, "Fine. But if I die I'll come back and take you with me." 

I shake my head and laugh, "Jeez, what do you think we're going to do?" 

El shrugs, "I don't know, you won't tell me." 

I pull her in close, my lips grazing her cheek, "Do you trust me?" 

I hear El draw her breath in, "Yes." 

I pull away slowly and smirk, "Ok then."

I take El up to the roof of the school by climbing a ladder attached to the side so they can access utilities for maintenance or something. Once we get up we find a semi-dry spot and sit down, me insisting that El sit on my sweatshirt so her pants don't get wet. She refuses because she feels bad if she gets a dry seat and I don't so we compromise and end up sitting on the sweatshirt together with her pressed up against me. I wrap my arms around El and we wait for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. 

After a bit El points up to the sky, "LOOK!" 

I do and smile, "It's a double rainbow." 

My gaze moves to El's bewildered expression, her eyes are wide and she looks so happy. "All across the sky" she mumbles. 

I pull El closer and kiss her head, feeling the perfection of this moment washing over me I wish that we could stay here forever.

A/N: Did I just write an entire oneshot to reference a thing Sadie said one time? Yes, yes I did.

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