chapter 43 sequel: First Shrine Visit of the Year

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Author note= This chapter is set after the "Mukuro planet and Mukuro Family Novel"
So don't ask why there is Mukuro in this chapter


[Tengu City Shrine ]
[Monday, January 1th]
*Y/n POV*

In the morning.

Me, Rinne and Rio are currently at a Shrine.

Y/n=Alright let's get started.

I take 5 Yen from my pocket and throw it to saisen box.

After that I rang the bell.

I closed my eyes and started praying.

Y/n thought=I don't know if god will accept requests from Demons like me but I wish God will always take care of Rinne and Rio ... That's all I wishes.

After a few moments, i opened my eyes.

I then stood up and look toward Rinne and Rio, they still praying.

A few moments later they finished praying.

Rio=Papa, did we make you waited for long?

I then knelt down and rubbed Rio's head.

Y/n=It's alright. What did you wish for, Rio?

Rio=Umu, I want to do lots of fun things with Papa and Mama this year!

Y/n=Haha, that's true

I then look toward Rinne.

Y/n=Rinne, What did you wish for?

Rinne=I hope we'll be together forever.

Y/n=I also hope so.

Suddenly someone called us from behind.


It was Tohka, yoshino, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Miku, Natsumi, Nia, Mana, Origami, Kotori, Mukuro and also Shido.

Everyone=Happy new year!

Y/n=Happy new year too.

Y/n=Hey Tohka, what are you doing here with everyone?

Tohka=We are here to praying, we just finished. how about you?

Y/n=I have the same reason as you.

Tohka=Hey Y/n, Shido says if we pray to God in the new year all our wishes will come true, is that true?

Y/n=Yeah that's true

Tohka=Yaaay! That means my wishes to eat lots of delicious food will soon come true!

Y/n=Well, Tohka you never change-

Rio interrupted my words.

Rio=Aaaaa! Nia-Nee Chan! Stop pinching my cheeks!

Nia=Ahaha... You're so cute just like your mother! I can't stop


Nia=Ahaha... Hey Rio how about I teach you to draw

Rio=Drawing? Rio like drawing!

Nia=How is your decision...

Rio=Rio needed permission from Papa and Mama first...

Y/n=Go it's okay

Rinne=Yeah, go ahead. Mama wants to see your drawings later.

Rio=Yaaay! Thank you Mama! Papa!

She then hold Nia hands.

Nia=Let's gets going, Rio Chan.
I will teach you everything!

They then leave.


Y/n=Time to go home

Kaguya=Are you going home already? Can you stay any longer?

Y/n=Sorry but i can't. I have to open my cafe today, so bye everyone.

Y/n=Let's go Rinne


We then walk toward Rio and Nia.

Rinne=Rio, Time to go home

Rio=Hai! Mama

Nia=Rio we will continue this another time.

Rio=Yes, Nee-Chan!

We then went home together


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