The atmosphere within the diner was calm and warm, although mostly empty some people sat along the bar top laughing and others chatted quietly amongst their parties at various tables throughout the place. The hostess upfront greeted me with a smile, as I requested to be sat somewhere quieter if at all possible. With a quick nod and another smile she led me towards a booth in corner that was slightly more dim than the rest of the diner, and I thanked her quietly. Taking a seat I shrugged my jacket off and rubbed my temples, attempting to ease the oncoming headache I felt as I heard what I assumed to be my waitress walking towards my table.

"Welcome to Planet Java, my name is-" The waitress stopped short and the hairs on my arms stood up at the voice I hadn't realized I had been aching to hear. My eyes turned up towards Jamie and for a moment I was speechless, just like her. Her brown eyes searched my face, and made their way down taking in my appearance. My hair was damp from the rain and I made no attempt in trying to hide the dark circles under my eyes today, I suddenly felt vulnerable under her gaze knowing that I looked like a mess and uncomfortably shifted in my seat.

"Jamie. I didn't know you worked here." I furrowed my eyebrows at her and glanced up at her again. Her long blonde hair was in a high ponytail now instead of a bun from the last time I saw her, stopping just below her shoulders. I had read her entire file, how had I missed that she worked at a diner fifteen minutes from her house? My mind backtracked as I recalled the things listed in the file, seeing if I had simply just overlooked it. 

"It's a new thing, only my second week here. I wanted to help my mom so she didn't struggle so much in paying the bills." I pursed my lip and nodded, still looking at the scattered freckles along her nose that I'd noticed last time we spoke. Jamie cleared her throat and took out a pen and pad of paper from the black apron she wore around her hips. "Anyways. Can I get you started with something to drink?"

"Just a coffee, please." I pushed the menu away from me and folded my hands in front of me.

"Didn't you want to order something to eat?" Jamie asked curiously.

"Not really hungry right now." I shrugged.

Jamie's nose scrunched in confusion but still continued to reach down for the menu as I slid it towards her to make it easier for her to grab. The tips of her fingers grazed the side of my hand, causing me stiffen and grow hot at the contact. Jamie blushed and looked at me again, analyzing my reaction before turning around and heading towards the kitchen to grab my coffee. I bit the inside of my cheek, thinking about the encounter we'd just had and how warm her hand felt against my own. Glancing at my wrist I saw that the time now was going on seven-thirty and realized the diner would be closing in a half hour as I saw people start the clear out slowly. Jamie returned with my coffee, and a small cup of creamers, setting them in the center of the table wordlessly before turning to leave.

Before I could stop myself though, I found myself grasping at straws just to get the girl to stay and talk to me just like I had craved over the last few days since I had met her. "So do you like it here?" I rushed out before she could leave. 

Jamie hesitated and turned towards me again, "I do. The mornings though are usually when we're busiest, after that things just start to die out and then the rest of the shift is kind of a drag. You're my only table right now." She leaned against the booth crossing her arms, which I noticed were oddly muscular. "Do you mind if I sit with you? I've been bored out of my skull all night." Jamie continued timidly.

A voice in my head was screaming against me opening up to this girl again, but I ignored it and nodded quickly. Jamie slid into the booth across from me and laced her fingers in front of her, twiddling her thumbs nervously. I opened one of the creamers from the dish that had been set in front of me and wordlessly poured it into my coffee, wondering what I should say. Jamie ended up breaking the silence though, as she sat up straighter in her seat.

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