Chapter 6:

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Y/N became an unofficial official member of Rias Gremory's peerage since she hasn't been reincarnated as a devil yet. She is currently playing 'Among us' on her phone while Rias and the others were explaining about pacts and other stuff to Issei since he doesn't know squat about anything paranormal related. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked back to see Kiba.

"Sup, ya need anything?" Y/N asks, turning back to her game.

"Oh nothing really, it's just Rias wants you for something." The blond Sasuke smiles.

Y/N let out a sigh, pocketing her phone, she turned to look at Rias, who only smiles at her. "What is it? And where's Issei?"

"Oh don't you worry that cute little head of yours, Y/N. I sent Issei to give out flyers and now it's your turn." Rias gestured to the stacks of paper on the table with an amused grin on her face.

Y/N: And why do I have to do that? I'm not a member of your peerage or a devil yet.

Rias: Yes, well, you are still a member of the ORC, and this counts as a club activity, so you have to do it.

Y/N: Heh, fine then, I quit.

Rias: That's what I tho- Wait, What?!

Y/N: You heard me, I quit. I'm too tired to go around passing flyers at night like some prostitute, so yeah, I quit.

Rias: You can't be serious!

Akeno: Fufu~ It seems like she got you there, Rias.

Y/N: And besides, I'm too young for commitment. I'll be going now.

Y/N stood up and went to leave, but someone stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "You can't just leave." Rias argued.

"Watch me." Y/N smirked.

"If you stay... I'll let you do whatever you want with me." The redhead hesitantly said.

Without saying a thing, Y/N started walking towards the girl, who in return backed away till her back hit the table behind her, but that didn't stop our heroine. She calmly placed her hands on both sides of the redhead on the table to block her from escaping and looked down on the girl in front of her. In a low sultry voice, Y/N whispered in the devil's ear, "'Anything I want?' Are you sure about that?"

Gulping loud enough for the h/c-haired girl to hear, Rias meekly muttered, "Y-yes..." Multiple forms of inappropriate images and fantasies ran through her mind, her face flushed to the point where steam was coming out of her ears.

"Pfft-" Immediately, Y/N covered her mouth to contain her laughter, "Y-you know I'm nothing like Issei... But man, I wish you could see your own face right now. I can't tell the difference between your face and your hair, you're so red! Hahaha" Wiping away a strand of tear, Y/N straighten herself up to properly face the now glaring girl, "Come on, don't look at me like that, that was funny. *sigh* Well, I'm heading off first and start dinner. Oh, and don't worry if I'm not home when you come back, m'kay." she turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Wait a minute," Rias called out, "You are joining my peerage, right?"

"Sure, but I still haven't thought of a way to kill myself yet, so, be patient." Y/N stopped at the door, her shadow morphed and soon came out a knight clad in black misty armor and it had glowing blue eyes, "My shadow knight can deliver the flyers for me... oh, and before I forget, be sure to invite Issei and the others over for dinner. Think of it as a welcoming party for him. Well, Toodle Lou~"

-Time skip brought to you by chibi shadow knight giving chibi Y/N a piggyback ride-

{Highschool DxD x OP Fem!Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora