Chapter 17: Jesus

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"It's been quite a while hasn't it, my dear. How do you enjoy your life?"

You were seated in a familiar room -who am I kidding, you're literally just sitting on a floating cushion in front of God. You just stare at him indifferently, "I'm still alive, so... fine?"

"Good, good, that's great to hear." There was an awkward silence, as you just kept staring at him.

"Did you call me here for a reason, or...?"

The old man cleared his throat, "There has been a change of plan, Miss L/n. You remember before being transferred to your current reality, you said that you wanted to be a human, right?" You nod, "Well, because of your powers and situation, your race has been altered in a way."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "What are you trying to say, exactly? I won't be able to live as a human anymore?"

"Yes and no, you see, when I sent you there as a human, it kind of made an imbalance in the world, so, something -I don't know what- did some alteration on you. So when you see your info, you'll no longer see "human" as your race."

Your character sheet popped up, and sure enough, your race was all glitched out.

[Race: h̶̰̘̓͐̃̀̾̇u̷̮̬̤͔̗̦̳͂͆ͅm̷̝͙̺̫̳̂̋͗̀̋̿̿͠a̷̛̺̝̼̔̒̀̌̅̚ͅn̸͇͇̲̩͓͆́̂̈́̌͂̓̽̚͜͝ͅ ]

Seeing you frown, the god placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a reassuring smile, "There's no need to worry, Y/n, I made sure you live a long and happy life with your wives and children."


"Is something wrong?"

"How... how long exactly?"

God thought for a second, "Well since you're no longer human, I guess 1000 years minimum." He smiled happily at you, "And you'll live much longer if you do get reborn as a devil."

"Oh... ew." You cringed. You were willing to live till you're like 30-ish but 1000, yeah, no thank you, that's too long. You could never get why people think that immortality was such a great thing, like, the main purpose of living is to die, so why the fuck would anyone want to live forever? "I know I'm living the dream right now, being in an anime world, being OP, surrounded by beautiful waifus and thick thighs, but... I still wouldn't want to live that long though. And children, those beady-eyed satanic gremlins... I don't know what to say honestly."

"Oh, don't worry, you'll be a great mother and even a better wife." He cheered.

"I think you meant to say awful and horny, but whatever." You were met with an all-to-familiar stare of disappointment, "Hey, can I go now? I would say I like the talk and see you but we both know that I would be lying, so, yeah. I wanna leave."

He let out a sigh, "Okay, okay, I understand." He opened a weird portal thingy next to him, "This would be the last time we'd ever meet, Y/n, so if there's anything y-"

Not letting the poor man finish, you left, you missed dinner because of the stupid game Rias and Sona had, so you were in a not-so-good mood.

Right after you went through the gate, you woke up, you were lying on the ground. But when you tried to get up, you felt pressure on your stomach, looking down, you were met with a pair of big yellowish-green eyes staring right back at you, its tongue flicking in and out of its mouth.

"Aren't you a cute little booger?" You stared at its adorable feathered form, "Can I pet you?"

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"Aren't you a cute little booger?" You stared at its adorable feathered form, "Can I pet you?"

The little creature seems to understand you as it slowly inches towards your hand, and just like you've imagined, the baby winged snake was soft to the touch. "That's settled, you're my child now."

You got up and cradled your new baby, "Welcome to the shit show, little bean. I'll give you a name when I figure out what you really are."

While walking back to the group, the little boop noodle slithered out of your arms and wrapped itself around your neck like a collar. Once you found them, you realized that you missed the slime incident when you were met with a bunch of naked girls and a slime bondage Kiba dangling from a tree.

The first thing you did was obviously take a picture, "You know, Kiba, you would make a great BDSM model." You took at least ten photos all from different angles.

"... thanks?" the poor boy didn't know what to say as his face got redder by the second, "could you please get me down? I know these are slimes but... it's starting to feel really weird, I don't like it."

"It's fine, you'll learn to love it." You turned around and walked towards the girls while Kiba shouted out your name.

Opening your inventory, you pulled out a bunch of your oversized hoodies and handed them to them, knowing full well that they will probably never give it back. But it's fine, you could always buy more and most of your clothes consist of hoodies, tees, and jeans.

Rias: Thanks, Y/n. But were you really carrying all these with you? And how many do you even have?

Y/n: Yes.

Finally, someone seems to notice the baby danger noodle around your neck, "HOLLY JEEPERS! IS THAT A BABY QUETZALCOATL I SEE OR THOSE MY EYES DECEIVE ME?!" Touji ran full speed at you but his attention was fully on the feathery snake on your shoulders.

Not sure of what he just said, you responded with the only thing that came into your mind, "Um, no hablo español?"

"I'm not speaking Spanish, you fool." He then looked back at the snake with awe and amazement, "Quetzalcoatl is a deity in Aztec culture and literature whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means "Precious serpent" or "Quetzal-feathered Serpent" The exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl varied somewhat between civilizations and through history. There are several stories about the birth of Quetzalcoatl. In a version of the myth, Quetzalcoatl was born by a virgin named, to whom the god Onteol appeared in a dream. In another story, the virgin Chimalman conceived Quetzalcoatl by swallowing an emerald. A third story narrates that Chimalman was hit in the womb by an arrow shot by and nine months later she gave birth to a child which was called Quetzalcoatl. A fourth story narrates that Quetzalcoatl was born from, who already had four hundred children who formed the stars of the Milky Way." He took a step back, "Do you realize what this means?!"

Your eyes widen, you then hold the snake like baby Simba on pride rock, "He's Aztec Jesus."

Silence, the silence was deafening, "You're... you're not the brightest are you?" Touji sweatdropped.

Feeling insulted and being the petty bitch you are, you readjust the snake and held him like a shotgun, "Baby Jesus, turn his blood into wine!"

As expected, nothing like that happened, but what did happen was the snake launched himself at the Familiar Master and attached himself to the area where the sun doesn't shine. While he ran around like a thirsty camel, you whipped away the single tear from your eye and wore a proud motherly smile, "Ahh, so this is what Virgin Mary felt..."

All in all, it was a great day, Asia got a baby dragon, you gave Issei his smile that you saved before the girls could kill it, and last but not least, you have Q/n, A.K.A baby snake Jesus, your new child and familiar.

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