Chapter 13

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You were taking a bath at Chisota's condo when Rias called. "Yo."

Rias: Hello, Y/N. I just wanted to check in after my call with Issei, so how's it going? Did you get a contract?

Y/N: Yup and she even said she wants to be my regular~ 

Rias: Oh, that's great to hear, Y/N. By the way, when are coming home?

Y/N: I don't know, it's pretty late so I'm gonna stay for the night.

Rias: Wait, what!?

Y/N: Goodnight, see you tomorrow.


You quickly hung up, turning your phone off and placing it on the counter before submerging yourself in the hot bubbly water. After a few seconds, you sat back up and slick your hair back. Closing your eyes, you leaned back and enjoyed the tranquility.

The level of the water suddenly rose a bit and you felt something soft lean against your chest. Not opening your eyes, you wrapped your hands around Chisato's slender waist, bringing her a bit more closer to yourself, and hid your face in the crook of her neck. 

"Are you staying the night?" Chisato asks with a sultry voice. 

"Depends... do you want me to?" you trail kisses over her shoulder and neck as she tilts her head to the side, giving you more access. 

"Mgh~ I would like that very much." She turns her head and kisses you dearly. Something tells you that you're not gonna get much sleep tonight.  


Apparently, Chisato is your school's new nurse because the old one had to retire. And since the two of you headed in the same direction, she gave you a ride, how nice. 

You decided to skip your last period and visit Chisato to see how she's faring with her new job. While talking, you failed to notice Chisato locking the door and the two sleeping figures on one of the nursing beds. 

Somehow, you don't know-how, your small chit chats escalated, and before you know it, Chisato was on your lap, facing you, her arms firmly wrapped around your neck and her legs straddling your waist. Her face was only a few inches away from yours when... 


One of the nursing beds' curtain was violently opened. The two of you turned your attention to the noise and were a bit surprised to see both Rias and Issei standing there. 

"U-um, hey... Uh, sorry to interrupt..." Issei awkwardly scratched the back of his head. He was having mixed feelings about this situation, he's excited because there are two hot chicks that look like they're about to make out big time... but at the same time, he feels scared and out of place because of Rias's death glare that was obviously directed towards you but still, the dark aura surrounding her was fucking terrifying. 

Chisato got up and fixed her skirt before clearing her throat, "Well, Y/N, thanks for the help and please come see me if you feel unwell." 

You also got up and held her hand, "No problem, you already got my number so call whenever, m'kay?" you kissed the back of her hand and sent a wink at her, earning a blush from the girl. 

Rias was still glaring at you as she watched your interaction, jealousy could not begin to explain what she was feeling right now. Once out of the nurse's office, Rias finally spoke, "Issei, go wait for us in the club room." she then suddenly pulled your ear and started to drag you. "Y/N and I need to have a little talk, privately."

Issei stood there, dumbfounded as he watched Rias drag you by the ear. "Oi, ears are for listening not pulling! You're gonna rip it off!" you yelled out in pain, hoping for her to let go, but she didn't. 

She ignored your plea and continued to drag you, "You'll be fine, stop being a baby, and besides, we have Asia. A ripped ear is child's play for her, so stop whining."

After one painful trip to the girls changing room, you were seated on a wooden bench, and gently rubbing your now-red ear to ease the pain. "Why did you bring me here?"

She didn't say anything as she sat on your lap, facing you, and kabedoned you against the lockers, staring deeply at your eyes. "It seems like you've forgotten who your master is, Y/N. I think it'll do you good if I remind you."

With a swift motion, you pushed her off. Rias was now laid on the bench with you pinning her arms above her head, her legs were still wrapped around your waist, but you didn't mind. "Master, huh. I'm pretty sure that's my job, don't you think, my little Akako?" 

(Akako - a Japanese name meaning 'Red Child')

Rias's face was beet red but she was still glaring at you, 'I was hoping I could get her back but... WHY DOES SHE ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME!?' she thought. "... you know, I really do hate you sometimes..."

"Aw~ thanks, but I wish I cared. But hey, you didn't deny my statement earlier~" You smirked. You let go of her wrists and tried to sit back up but was stopped when Rias wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing you back down. 

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked, staring at your lips, "I wanted to sleep with you last night, you know, but obviously I couldn't." She leaned in and kissed you and gently nibbled on your bottom lip before looking up at you again, "Now, I want you to do everything you did with that woman too me."

You chuckled a bit, "Heh, jealous much? I doubt you can handle it though." 

"Try me!"


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