Day at the mall

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Today was the last day of summer vacation. I wanted to spend it with Tamaki but that idiot wouldn't pick up the phone. So Addie and Haruhi dragged me to this expo at the mall. Well it was more like Addie dragged me here because Haruhi was going.

"Well I guess this is where we part ways Haruhi." Addie says as I start to drag her to the roof to get ice cream. "Have a good daaaaay!" She shouts in a sing song voice as we rush to the roof.

~time skip~

"Can I have Neapolitan in a waffle cone please."  An oh so familiar voice asked so politely.

"Vanilla please." Another too familiar voice confirms my suspensions.

"Honey? Mori? What are you two doing here." Addie asks.

"Tama-Chan brought us here! Hey what ice cream flavor do you to want? We'll pay!"

"I'm never one to turn down free food! Thank you! I'll have cookie dough ice cream please."

"Coffee ice cream for me please! Thanks boys!" Addie agrees.

"Do you know where Tamaki is?" I ask the two as the Cashier hands me my ice cream.

"At the pet shop." Honey replies.

"Well I'll meet up with him and we'll see you three later!" I shout running down to the pet store we passed on our way to get ice cream.

I finish my ice cream just as I arrive there. "Tamaki? Are you here?" I call out entering the store.

"Hmm which of these bows best suits you girl? Huh? Ahh! I'm not Tamaki I'm uh... Rowan Twain!" Tamaki says trying to make his voice sound lower and covering his face.

"Tamaki I know it's you Honey told me you were here. Mori stood there smiling at Addie."

"Okay fine it's me. I like your outfits!" My boyfriend says complimenting my overalls.

"You are an idiot. Why didn't you answer my calls? If I knew you were going to be here then I would have come with you!"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to observe commoners in there natural environment. I thought you, Addie, and Haruhi would harm our credibility as impartial observers."

"You are so weird and cute. I'll forgive you if you let me and Addie tag along for the rest of the day."


"Who's this?"

"Oh! She is my golden retriever Antoinette! Come help me choose a bow!"

"I like the red one."

"Me too."

"Cmon pay for her bow and let's meet up with the club!"

"Alright. Oh and I got you this." Tamaki says and hands me a white box with a red ribbon on it. I opened it to see my birthstone a garnet on the end of a golden chain.

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

"So are you."

"Cmon dork."

~time skip~

We're at the information counter getting an announcement for Kyoya after the rest of the club saw a play with renge. I said hi to her. This is my life. I feel Antoinette nudge at my legs.

"Tamaki I absolutely love Antoinette but whenever I take so much as one step away from you she nudges me back towards you."

"She's a shipper just like her mom." Addie says. "Oh wait that's you Sami."

"Shut up Addie." I tell her.

If the host club was realΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα