The Gala Part 1

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The gala, the building was vast and beautifully made, there were large arches that lead to glass doors. Inside the building was even more beautiful than the outside. Almost everything was white and gold, the whole place was elegant yet the place still had an element of home.

Almost like it was house to a queen.

Jazz playing smoothly in the background, bringing people to the dance floor.

Kara stood hidden yet proud by rows and rows of food. Her plate stacked high with potstickers. Alex walked up to her sister, alongside their mother Eliza.

"As nice as this gala is, why are we all here?"

Kara looked at her sister wondering if she should tell her now or wait until the youngest Luthor arrived. The choice was made for her when Lena Luthor walked through the large glass doors, dressed gracefully in an elegant emerald V-neck, off the shoulder, long satin gown.

Kara couldn't help but stare at the beauty that was Lena Luthor. She moved away from the question that was asked by Alex and walked towards the person who captured her attention.

Alex and Eliza watched with question as Kara spoke softly with the CEO.

Both Lena and Kara walked towards the Danvers', Kara's face held a bright smile that could warm the coldest of hearts.

"Introductions, this is Alex, my sister and this is my adoptive mother Eliza. These three who have just joined are Winn, Querl aka Brainy and Nia. We all work quite close together and I invited you all here for a reason. But let's enjoy the party first."

At that, all the eyes grew with instantaneous interest. Non more than Lena. Not just at the request but also at the fact that Kara Danvers was in fact Kara Zor-El and apparently not just a consultant but a CEO.

Kandor was a huge company in the world of science, they created amazing strives in science.

Lena had always been interested in, was the smart contacts and "Medsight", which is a face shield that is embedded with a smart display, which presents the patient's medical information in real-time. Equipped with a real-time black box camera for live recording and transfer of information. There were so many things Kandor had done that revolutionised the technological and scientific world. So the invitation from their CEO and founder was completely astounding and to find out that the CEO was in fact a certain blonde that she couldn't stop thinking about was staggering for Lena.

Lena pulled Kara towards the bar, "So your Kara Zor-El?"


"Yes. You came in with Clark Kent as his consultant. How did that happen? And your name?"

"Clark's family. He asked for a favour, he needed a consultant to know if the information was correct. And when he said Lena Luthor, I couldn't say no. Not that I was going to anyway. I've been wanting your help on a project. Hence me inviting you and on the name- Zor-El is my birth name. So when I started Kandor I chose to go with my birth name."

Lena soaked in all the information that Kara gave her, her mind putting pieces of a puzzle together.

Clark's family. Clark Kent is superman. Kara is related to Clark. Kara also looks a bit like him around the eyes.

Eyes. The same blue that held her captive when they first met and the same oceanic blue that made her breath catch when Supergirl saved her life.

Kara Zor-El (Danvers) is Supergirl.

Before her thoughts could further down that road a woman with blond hair came up to them,

"Keira. I see you've made a friend." The blonde woman looked at Kara with a fond smile.

And the smile she got in return spoke of the closeness of the two women.


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