Pink Roses

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Her hands were shaking, her body full of tremors of fear. She nearly lost her sister during the L-Corp announcement. She couldn't lose someone else.

Not again.

Kara was sitting on the balcony that was connected to an office high above the ground. Fear and memories of a past never forgotten at the forefront of her mind. A shaky breath left her throat and entered the warm air of the night.

"Are you all right, little one?"

Kara turned her head to address her aunt, a small smile graced her lips when she looked at Astra, just glad she got to save someone of her past.

"Just thinking about it all. I should probably send some thank you flowers to Miss Luthor."

"Ah, the woman who saved Alex."

Kara stood up from the sun lounger that was on her office balcony, overlooking the city, and brought her aunt into a tight hug, her face buried in her neck, before going back inside to her office.

"Miss Luthor, these arrived for you."

Jess stood in the doorway holding a grey modern geometric vase full of pink roses, white chrysanthemum and purple and blue irises. In the middle of the bouquet was a white envelope addressed to 'Miss Luthor'. Lena looked up from her report and smiled at the beauty of these flowers.

"Thank you, Jess. You can put them on the coffee table."

Once Jess left Lena stood from her desk to open the envelope,

"Thank you for saving my sister.


A bright smile played on the heiress' lips. She didn't come to National City to make friends but Kara Danvers is someone she wants to know. She knew she shouldn't the women, knew that, logicly, trusting the blonde beauty would only end in heartbreak. Or death.

It would seem when it came to ocean eyes, Lena's brain didn't prefer logic.

Her eyes trailed off to look at the locked drawer, a file named Danvers K. sat unread calling to her. She knew that if she truly wanted to have Kara in her life that she shouldn't read that file but her curiosity was sky-high.

Before Lena could get to the drawer the sound of her notifications ran aloud. She looked at her phone to see that she had a new email.

----- email -----


K.Zor-El < >

To LLuthor

Miss Lena Luthor,

As the CEO I'm personally inviting you and if you want a plus one to a charity gala I am hosting. The charities will be; Born This Way Foundation, All Out, NSPCC, The Cameron Boyce Foundation,Survivors UK, The survivor's trust,The Cameron Boyce Foundation, Rare Impact Fund and a charity of your choice.

- Kara Zor-El .

"Crude oil is a fossil fuel and we should be looking for an alternative solution or else it will continue to contribute to Global warming. Yes, it has economic importance but it has its environmental issues, such as;

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is widely accepted as a major contributor to global warming. And that oil spillages can have a disastrous effect on the local environment, killing off thousands of animals such as fish and sea birds, and require a great deal of effort to clean up. Also, oil refineries and oil-fired power stations take up a lot of land and so it destroys potential wildlife habitats and spoils the countryside. However, this problem is the same for any industrial site and so is not just a problem for the oil industry."

Kara stood in front of a group of suits trying to get her point across. She has a voice and is going to use it. Besides it was the board to her company and, yes knew that they were here to look at this from a business point of view, but she also knew that they were all good people, however they needed facts.

"Okay, so what is your solution?"

"Well until we can fully develop project N.E. I believe that Kandor should work with alternatives like hydrogen gas."

Project N.E. is a privative recreation to what Krypton used to power everything. Kara's trying to find a way to recreate the power source but without the major consequences. She wants to help earth not blow it up because in earth terms Project N.E. is almost Nuclear Fusion.

Kara thought that she could use something that came from Krypton. Like kryptonite as a power source. She had been looking up different effects they can have when she was visiting the Fortress.

Kara believes that she could try to redirect pink kryptonite's power and change it all together but it would take time and quite a bit of help. She knows that it will not have much of an effect on her and even if it did the effects would only be temporary.

But better safe than sorry.

She knew the perfect people to help her but getting them to help is a different story.

She could get Brainy on board easily, along with Winn but Alex and Eliza would be harder to convince.


And then there was Lena. She was untrusted by most. She did get Clark to think that she was trustworthy, so there was that but Alex? Now that might be a little harder.

Kara also had to consider that she had only met the heiress twice and never had a proper conversation other than questioning her and trying to get her to not go through with the announcement. There was also something that was happening that was extraordinarily unprotected in Kara's life- she was starting to trust the youngest Luthor. She wasn't going to pass up this opportunity of what could be an amazing relationship. Friendship or more. And she was going to try and do it the right way, with honesty.

That's why she sent the invitation to the gala. Everyone she wanted to talk to about project N.E. will be there. If the invitation is accepted by the youngest Luthor, that is.

------ email -----


Lena Luthor < >

To K.Zor-El

I will be there, along with my CFO, Samantha Aries.

- Lena Luthor

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