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A/N: sorry for updating later, my physics teacher said "f you" and it wasn't very fun. Anyways:

Weeks: thirteen
Jin sat down in the library with his laptop and empty papers. He looked out of the window at the rainy day outside, taking his tea and drinking it.

He wore a blue sweater but he still felt cold. As he was thinking about nothing in particular, he instinctively placed his fingers on his growing belly. He rubbed it lightly with love and then he looked down on his hands.

Although he was young, Namjoon didn't know about this and his parents kicked him out of the house, Jin couldn't wait for the day he would finally hold his child.

Bubble was 13 weeks old and he couldn't wait to go to the doctor again cuz he wanted to see the fetus moving. It was adorable. He was glad he decided to keep it.

Seokjin smiled, staring at his little tummy. After a while, he took his laptop, pen and paper out of the bag and started writing without knowing that Namjoon was watching him.

The other sat next to him, trying to act like he wasn't confused about what Jin just did.


"Hi," Jin looked at the younger male with a smile and took off his glasses.

"Sorry, I am a little late," Namjoon said taking some papers out, "What's our topic?"

"English literature in the 19th century," Jin answered watching him.

"Did you find any information about it?"

"Yeah, I searched on the internet and..," the latter began to talk and Namjoon looked at him.

Today, Seokjin was truly breathtaking. Namjoon found himself admiring the beauty of the boy once again. He couldn't focus on what Seokjin was saying, no matter how hard he tried. He was watching his pink lips moving, thinking about how good they tasted.

When Jin stopped talking, Namjoon looked into his chocolate eyes.

"So, what do u think about it?" Seokjin asked. He didn't want to admit but he enjoyed the panic of the latter.

"I-I think it's great. Let's use it whole."

"Even that part about sex?"

Namjoon was shocked a little. He was sure that if there was a part about this, he would definitely hear it. But he still nodded.

Jin giggled.

"Were you even listening to me? There was no sex part," he laughed. Namjoon just stared at him, a little smile forming on his face. Then the older gave him some papers.

"Read it," Namjoon looked at it and started doing what he was told to do.

In the middle of the reading, the younger was interrupted by Jin's voice.

"Namjoon?" The taller male looked at the older, who was staring at him, "Why did you choose me?"

"Because we were the last two people without a partner," Namjoon continued reading, "You thought that I chose you cuz I wanted to be close to you?" Jin looked down.


"Why would I? I am not a faggot like you."

"Well, it's not very heterosexual to put your dick in another man."

Suddenly, they both fell silent. Jin was surprised by his own words but he didn't show it on his face. He stared at Namjoon, who looked at him in disbelief.

"Do you laugh at me because you're gay too?"


"But you have to hide it in front of your 'friends'."


"Because if they knew, they would bully you and you would be lonely."

"Seokjin stop."

"So, you thought that the best way to hide it was to bully a homosexual, so your friends never actually think about the option that you like dicks."

"Stop! You don't know anything about me!" Namjoon clenched his fists. He was pissed, while Jin remained very calm. He didn't know where it came from, hormones probably.

The others looked at him. This was a library, he was not supposed to be so loud.

The calmness was also in Jin's voice.

"Go ahead. Punch me. Prove to them that you're straight. Prove them that you love your girlfriend and that you like kissing her," Jin said quietly and calmly again and as he leaned to Namjoon, he whispered:

"Prove to them that you're not gay."

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