Chapter Six

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3rd person

A few hours have passed since Tony and Peter's conversation, Peter opening up to the father figure about his past. After that Peter spent most of his day on the couch scared to move, scared that once he did get up he would be bombarded with more questions from Tony. Thoughts were running through the teenager's head. What did Tony think of him now? Was he going to pity him? Make fun of him for being weak? So many things were plaguing his mind, he just wanted it all to go away.

It was Tuesday afternoon and Peter was still laying on the couch wrapped in the blanket he loved so much. The poor boy hasn't moved from that spot in days, and the only time he did move was to go to the bathroom and that took a lot of effort for the poor boy. The teenager hasn't showered in days and his hair was starting to get greasy. On top of that, he hasn't even changed out of his clothes that he wore to the Ice Skating rink with Tony.

He was looking at a wall, eyes just fixated on the wall. He was wondering what could be on the other side of it. Could there be a 500-foot drop that he could just jump off from and end his suffering? He just wanted the pain to go away.

That's when his aunt came to mind, wishing and wanting her here to help him get through all of this. He didn't know how he was able to get through all of the pain he was going through without her.

That's when he felt a weight being placed on the couch. He looked over and saw Stark. He had a sad smile on his face. He knew the boy hasn't moved from his spot on the couch in days and he wanted to help him with that. He hated seeing him in pain, and he didn't want to put him in therapy because of the events that have happened previously.

So Tony just took a seat next to the brunette and just spoke his mind, "I'm scared for you kid." Tonys' voice was low and full of concern. Peter didn't want to believe that he actually had someone that cared for him, because that means if someone cared for him then he wouldn't be able to go through with suicide if it were to come down to it, and he knew that he was on the verge of killing himself. He knew that his time here wasn't going to last long.

"I'm fine" Was all the boy said before rolling over and facing the couch cushion. He just wanted it all to go away. He wishes he could just sleep forever and not wake up. "No your not," Tony said sadly. "You wish you were but your not." Tony let out a sigh, he knew that if the kid were to talk it would break him because of how he thought of himself. "If you were fine then you would have moved from this spot on the couch days ago." Tony was frustrated with the kid, he hated seeing him in pain.

"Tony, don't worry about me." That was all the teenager was able to say. He knew that he couldn't speak his mind because if he did then Tony would be even more concerned. He didn't want him worrying about him more.

"Well kid kinda hard for that and too late, you not moving for days has got me worried." Tony's voice was sad and all he wanted was for Peter to let him in. The boy didn't say anything. He knew it wasn't worth the breath. "I will literally bathe you myself," Tony said trying to get him to get up. Clearly, that didn't work so he stuck to what he said.

He got up off the couch and picked up the spider-boy taking him to his bathroom in the teen's room. He placed him down on his bed and went over to fill up the bathtub with warm water. He put some bubbles in there as well. Once the bathtub was filled and bubbles were everywhere, he went back to get Peter. He took off the teen's clothes. leaving him naked he brought him to the bathroom and into the bathtub.

Peter didn't show any emotion to anything Tony was doing. What was he supposed to do freak out? He knew that wouldn't do any good, plus he did feel filthy so he let Tony clean him. Putting shampoo in his wet hair as he brought his knees up to his chest.

Tony was scrubbing shampoo all throughout the boy's head when Peter finally spoke, "I'm sorry to put you through this Dad you shouldn't have to do this." Peter's voice was soft, but you could tell he was broken.

Tony put on a sad sympathetic smile on his face, "Peter if this is all it takes and it will help you get better then I will gladly do it."

"Thank you." That's when the fragile boy's voice broke, he placed a hand over his mouth and started sobbing. Tony saw this and wrapped his arms around the thin frame of the boy. "You don't have to thank me, I will always be here and I will always be here to help whether you want my help or not." Tony finally had tears running down his face. He hated seeing Peter like this. He just wanted the happy joyful boy back.

The hug felt like it lasted forever when in reality it only lasted a few minutes. Tony let go and went back to cleaning the boy. He still had tears running down his face. Tony wasn't one to let his emotions to be seen, but the sight of the boy in front of him just sent him over the edge. He saw the boy as his own son so when he saw him like this, it reminded him of himself back in Afghanistan.

Tony finally got the kid cleaned and Peter got out of the tub as Tony wrapped a towel around him. Tony let the kid get dressed and started to talk to him again. "Kid I want you to talk to me about how your feeling more often even if you don't want to. Or your afraid to. I just want you to get better." Tony had put on another sad smile on his face. Peter looked at him and nodded his head. "I just... I love you kid and I don't want to see you in pain. It hurts." Tony started to have tears running down his face.

Peter walked up to the older man and hugged him. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of that." Peter's voice was soft and it made the older man even sadder, why would he be talking sp quietly it was like he was scared of his own voice.

"it's not your fault. You can't control that you feel this way." Tony rubbed the boys back in a comforting way. He knew that he just needed the boy to get better. "Now you need to sleep, you have school in the morning," Tony said letting go of the hug.

Peter again only nodded his head, He walked over to his bed and laid down. Tony left turning the light off and keeping the door wide open. He knew that tomorrow that he was taking the locks off his door and the bathroom door. And will be looking around his room for anything sharp that was able to harm the boy.

Tomorrow some changes were going to be made.

But what Tony didn't know that it was already to late.


Sorry for not uploading in a fat minute, I guess I just needed time to gather myself before I started to continue to write any of my books. Because we all know that there sad/ lmao. but thank you for reading this far into the book! It means a lot!

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