Chapter Four

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Peters pov 

I closed the door to my room and locked it, I felt bad that I just left Tony there wondering what was going on with me. I knew I couldn't just tell him what's going on. I know he won't understand what I'm going through. The angry thoughts that keep me awake all night, making me sleep-deprived. 

I threw my bag to the other side of the room and jumped into my bed. I let out a loud groan. Today was not my day. My best friend just found out about my mom, now I'm sure that he doesn't want to talk to me. I'm sure that he is just giving me space to grief. It was like him to do, he was a kind person. My phone then starts to ring, I pick it up and speak of the devil. Ned was calling me. 

I click the answer button, "What's up?" I say quickly into the phone. "I thought of the best way to cheer you up! You need to come over!" Ned says with his happy voice that always brightened up my day. I mean, why not? It's not like I have anything going on and I know that I kinda blew him off yesterday. 

I let out a small chuckle, "Why not. I'll be there in thirty minutes" I hang up the phone after my last words. 

I get back up and open the door to my room, no one was in sight, so I quickly walked out of the room. I wasn't quite in the mood to see the rest of the avengers. it's not that I don't like them it's just that they're all very keen observers. I get into the elevator and go to Tony's lab. 

I walk into the room and see Tony working on his suit, he's always in here, especially when he's stressed, or sad. He comes in here to relieve stress. It's a lot better than my coping mechanism. "Hey, Mr. Stark," I say while tapping him on the shoulder. He quickly turns around and looks at me with a smile on his face. "What's up Kid?" his voice was kind and gentle like he was scared he was going to break me. 

I rub the back of my neck, "I was going to go to Ned's. I just thought I'd tell you so you don't get scared when you can't find me." I say with a very small smile on my face. I would have loved to see what Mr. Stark would do if he found out I was missing. Would he really be scared, or would he just not care and go on about his day like nothing happened. 

"Okay Kid, make sure you back before midnight." Tony pats my back and goes back to working on his suit. That's weird. I would have thought he would have forced me to stay because of what had happened to my Aunt. I just shrug it off and exit the lab. I walk out and start to walk towards Ned's house. 

~Le Time Skip~ 

I knocked on Ned's door, and he quickly answered, "Hey Man!" He held the door wide open inviting me in. I walk in while saying, "What's up!' I gave him a fist bump. We walked into his room and he grabbed a lego set he was talking about that he wanted to work on with me. 

"Hey, I got something to tell you." I needed to tell him what's been going on with me, with that was going on. It felt like now was a better time than ever to get this off my chest.

"Your Spider-man," He says while taking the pieces of the lego set out of the box. That wasn't even close to what I was going to tell him. My eyes go wide, "What?! Why would you think that?" I say trying to make it look like I didn't know what he was talking about. "well, whenever you need to leave class because something comes up, That's when spider-man appears. You go and say you like to roam around at night, and lastly you 'Intern' at the avengers' tower. How much more obvious is it?"  Ned gets up and walks out of the room. My eyes go wide. What the hell? 

This is not what I expected to happen. No one was supposed to know about that identity. I was still in shock. My mouth was still agape and I had no words. Ned walks back in and gives me a sprite. "So was I right?" Ned smiles at me and starts to work on the lego piece. "Yea," I say lowering my head in shame. What would he think that I didn't tell him about it. That I couldn't trust my best friend with my secret identity. I didn't want to make him feel bad. It's not his fault it was mine. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks with a soft tone, I thought he was going to yell at me. I was not prepared to hear my best friend yelling at me. I took in a deep breath, "Well I was told not to tell people then the word would get out that the spiderman was me and I didn't want all that attention on myself and I just didn't feel ready to let anyone but the avengers know about my identity. Only because I work with them they were allowed to know." I say rather quickly, I was scared of he might have reacted. 

"Oh well, that's understandable." He gives me a soft smile, the one smile that he has that he understands your decision and it didn't affect me. It was nice to have a friend like Ned who doesn't come to you when you don't tell them everything. Though I do tell him most things, somethings are meant to stay with myself. 

~Le Time Skip~ 

I got back to the tower, getting into the elevator, and making my way to the main level. I walk into the room and see most of the Avengers gathered around a sleeping Tony on the couch, with a bottle of whisky in hand. It made me cringe, but I just ignored that feeling. I didn't want to bring back bad memories. 

I walk over to them to see what they were doing, Natasha had a Sharpie in her hand and there were doodles all over Tony's face. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Quickly slapping a hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet. 

Natasha handed me the pen, "go and draw something." I quickly grabbed the pen and made a quick little mustache on his upper lip. That's when he started to stir and wake up. Everyone went stiff except me, He opens his eyes and see's all of us. I quickly jump up from his position. "What did you guys do?" He yelled at us. I just let out a small laugh. They all looked at me like I was crazy. Like I just ended all of them. He looked down at my hand to see the Sharpie. I quickly grab it from my hand. "Did you guys draw on my face?" 

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Well, you could say that.." I smirked. He just growled, and made his way to the bathroom, "Did you guys encourage him?!" Tony yelled at the other avengers, "We might have..." Steve said while laughing. Tony came storming out of the bathroom. That's when Tony came out of the bathroom and started to laugh, all of the marker still clearly on his face. All of the Avengers were scared and confused as if they have never seen this kind of reaction come from Tony before. 

I mean I can't say I haven't, He and I used to mess around in the lab all the time (Get your head out of the gutter! Peters a CHILD!!) throwing oil at each other or sabotaging each other suits. We have a lot of fun and games. I bust out laughing with him, I haven't felt this way in a long time. It distracted me from my thoughts, gave me time to feel true happiness just once. 

"Why are you laughing? He will literally destroy you." Clint said with fear evident on his face. "What are you talking about?" I say while trying to stop my laughter, "We do this all the time, this is normal."  They were all again in disbelief. Who was able to make Tony lighten up? No one or that's what they all thought. And no one would have ever thought that the one person that would get Tony to lighten up about anything would be a teenager. 

"Well I'm off to bed! You guys get to deal with waking Tony" I smile at them and they all started to run in the opposite direction all trying to get away from Tony as fast as possible. 

I went into my room and lay down on my bed. Sleep quickly welcoming me with open arms. 

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