Chapter Two

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Peters pov

I started to look him up and down, like what he was saying was not making sense. How could she have been Murdered, we would have gotten some type of heads up that someone was out on a murder spree. I let out a small chuckle, "What? No. Stop joking with me. Plus you know that's not funny." There was no smile coming to his face, it looked so serious, Like it wasn't a joke. "Wait, why aren't you laughing?" The smile started to slowly fall off of my face. I just didn't want what he was saying to be true. She was the last person I had that was family.

"Peter.," he says softly. "No... No... No!" I say over and over again, I covered my mouth with my hands. This couldn't be happening. He comes over to me and wraps his arms around me giving me a hug that was filled with reassurance. I started to fall to the ground and he came down with me. Tears were the only thing that clouded my vision.

It felt like my chest was closing in on me. Like every breath of air was getting ripped from my lungs. "Peter.. I'm so sorry." He just kept saying over and over again. 'I'm sorry,' those words were all that I could concentrate on. That's when everything started to go back to normal. 

He let go of me and looked at me in the eyes, "We can plan the funeral later, Right now you need rest and time to process." He put on a sad smile. It was like all he was feeling was sympathy for me. I don't blame him, when his parents died I bet everyone was just feeling sympathy for him. Because that might be the only emotion that they know how to feel at the moment.

We stood up and made our way to the guest bedroom, which would later be my room. I lied down on the bed while I had my arms wrapped around myself. Like it was the only thing that was protecting me. "Kid, I'm sorry," he says one last time before he leaves my room while closing the door. That's when I let out a loud heart-wrenching sob.

Tony's pov

As I exited the kids' room I could only hear him sob. It only made my heartbreak, I hated hearing him in so much pain. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. I grab a bottle of bourbon and put it in the cup. That's when I heard someone else enter the room.  I look over and see Steve. "Drinking already? Usually, you don't drink till 6 pm." He lets out a chuckle." I just look at him and shrug, "The kids' mom just passes away." I say sadly while setting my cup down and rubbing my head. Steve knew Spider-Man's identity. He knew that Peter was Spider-Man.

His mouth made an O shape, "Are you guys going to go and see her?" Steve asked wearily of the subject because he could never know how Peter and I are going through right now. "I shake my head, "They have to do an autopsy report to get the cause of death, plus she was murdered I don't want him to see what that bastard did to her." I just let out a sigh, "I just feel bad for the kid he's been through enough, and then his last living relative dies. It's just pretty messed up."

Steve takes a seat at the bar clasping his hands, "She was murdered? Can't we just like track them down, Don't we have the equipment for that?" I nod my head, "Yes, but we should leave this up to the professionals. Once Peter sees that were working on it then he'll become obsessed and won't stop till he finds this killer." I pause and take a quick sip of my whiskey. "Right now I need him to grieve and work on school rather than finding a murder." I see Steve nod his head "Shouldn't he talk to someone about this. Like maybe one of us, or maybe the other avengers."

I just shrug my shoulders, "Well let's just give him time and if he just gets worse or doesn't stop grieving I can find him someone, but for right now we can all just be here for him and show him were here." I give a soft smile, Thinking about the kid just brought a smile to my face, he was a great kid just has a messed up passed.

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