(6) - Babysitting and Cuddling

Start from the beginning

I walk over to the couch and sit next to Lucy. She gives me a curious look and with a small smile I say, "I don't bite. You can come a little closer if you want Princess Lucy."

Hearing me call her a princess, her eyes brighten up and a big smile forms on her face. She scootches over and presses up against my side. I put my arm around her tiny body which she takes as an invitation to climb onto my lap and snuggle into me. We sit there for the next half hour laughing and watching cartoons until we hear the front door open. A couple seconds later Anakin walks into the living room and sees me and Lucy on the couch. As soon as he spots me his eyes narrow and in an angry tone he spats, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

In an equally mean tone I reply, "Don't use that kind of language around your sister. I am babysitting while your parents are at dinner."

"Whatever" he mumbles as he turns and storms up the stairs. A second later I hear a door slam, and Lucy looks at me with a curious stare. I tell her that he ate some bad food and it is making him act really mean. Content with my answer she turns back to the TV and continues to watch cartoons.

After watching for fifteen more minutes I decide to get up and order us some dinner. I pick Lucy up off my lap and tell her that I am going to order us some food. As soon as I say the word food she screams, "Cheese pizza!" I laugh and say okay as I walk into the kitchen to grab the menu.

Before I call the pizza place, I walk up the stairs and knock on Anakin's bedroom door. Once I hear him grunt a "what" I open the door and pop my head into his room. He looks up from his computer and I say, "I am ordering pizza, what do you want on it?"

"Cheese is fine" he replies in a bored tone and looks down at his computer again. I I roll my eyes at his rudeness and leave the room. I go back into the kitchen, call the pizza place, order the pizza for delivery and am told that it will arrive at seven, which is in fifteen minutes.

I put the money for the pizza and tip into my pocket and go back into the living room to watch cartoons with Lucy. Right around seven the doorbell rings so I get up and go to the door. I pay the delivery guy for the pizza and bring it into the kitchen. I call Lucy into the kitchen and she comes in and sits down at the table. I grab three plates out of the cupboard and three bottles of water from the fridge and set them on the table.

Just as I am placing pieces of pizza on mine and Lucy's plates, Anakin walks in. He grabs my plate with pizza on it and sits down next to Lucy. I humph and grab another slice of pizza for myself. I sit across the table from Lucy and we all silently eat.

Anakin finishes his piece before I am even halfway done with mine and as he grabs another piece he says, "My mom told me that I have to drive you to school now."

"Yeah, my parents can't drive me" I say in a small voice.

"If I am going to drive you I am setting some rules" Anakin spats. I look at him waiting to hear his "rules".

He glares at me and says, "I'll drive you to and from school but you can’t talk to me, can’t touch the radio, if you aren't waiting at the car when I am leaving I will leave without you, and I'll drop you off outside of the gates of school because I don't want to be seen with a loser like you."

"Okay" I mutter as I stand up and clean off my plate, hiding my glassy eyes. I clean up after Anakin and Lucy and put the leftover pizza in the fridge. I turn around right as Lucy stands up and says, "Let's go play. Come on!" She then grabs Anakin's hand and mine and drags us into her playroom.

Once we get into the playroom Lucy lets go of our hands, turns around and announces, "We are going to play house. I am going to be the princess and you two will be the king and queen. You two are gonna fall in love and get married one day and become king and queen, so we will practice now!" She jumps up and down all happy and excited about her plan.

I look over at Anakin but he avoids my my eyes and kneels in front of Lucy and says in a sad voice, "I thought the same exact thing about the two us us when I was younger" and then walks out of the room.

I stand there shocked for a minute before Lucy comes over, tugs my arm and says, "I am tired, can you tuck me into bed?"

"Ya sure, come on" I say as I lead her into her bedroom. I help her into her pajamas, put her into bed and say "goodnight" as I turn off the lights and shut the door.

I go downstairs and to the living room to watch TV only to find Anakin kneeling down in front of the TV fiddling with the DVD box. He spots me standing next to him and asks "Want to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure" I say cautiously, not sure if this is some sort of trick. He grabs the remote, plops down on the couch, and pats the couch next to him as an invitation to sit. I walk over and sit next to him on the couch. He presses play and I grab a blanket off the end of the couch to put over myself. Anakin grabs the end of the blanket and puts half of it on his body.

The credits start to play, I realize that the movie is a horror movie and squeak out, "I hate scary movies" while covering my eyes. Anakin grabs my hands and takes them away from my face. I look up at his smiling face as he says, "It's just a movie, I'll protect you from the monsters” while laughing.

I groan and start to watch the movie. Anakin warns me when the scary parts are about to come and I hide in his side. He laughs at me and puts his arm around my shoulder. Deciding to not even bother trying to watch the movie, I stay hidden in his chest and feel myself falling asleep.

I am woken up by whispers. I open my eyes to see my parents, Lillian and Tom looking at me. I try to move only to realize that Anakin and I are practically wrapped up in each other. I blush and nudge Anakin. He grumbles and slowly opens his eyes. He sees our parents and then realizes that we are snuggled up on the couch. He quickly stands up, knocking me to the floor, and says, "Why the fuck are you all over me?!" He then storms up the stairs and I lift myself up off the floor.

Lillian comes up to me and with a sad look says, "Sorry about him, I don't know where we went wrong. Any other guy would consider himself lucky to have you sleeping in his arms."

"Thanks. I am just gonna go home and to bed. I will see you guys in the morning, goodnight" I say as I grab my stuff and walk out the door to my house. I go up to my bedroom, put my pajamas on and get into bed. I go to plug my phone in and see that I have a text message from Lillian. I open my messages to see that she sent me a picture of Anakin and I sleeping on the couch together. The picture is bittersweet, I love how Anakin and I look together all wrapped up in each other's arms but at the same time I look at it and know that he doesn't actually like me at all. I put my phone on my bedside table, turn my lamp off and drift off to sleep.

In the middle of the night I feel my bed dip and I jolt awake. I turn around to see Anakin climbing into my bed. He is wearing only his short, tight boxer shorts. Conscience that I am just wearing a sports bra and short shorts I ask him, "What do you think you’re doing?"

"Shut up." He says as he lays down on the bed and tries to turn me around so my back is to him.


"Just shut up and go to sleep. I couldn't sleep, now stop asking questions" he spats at me.

Not in the mood to argue, I  flip over so that my back is to Anakin. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him, his front pressed to my back. He is gripping onto my waist making my bare skin is all warm and tingly from his hands. I wiggle in his grip, trying to get comfy and Anakin stops me by saying, "Stop moving before I do something I shouldn't." I freeze from his words but after a couple seconds I melt into his body. He nuzzles his face into my neck and we both fall asleep soon after.

I wake up in the morning to find a cold bed and Anakin gone.



So this chapter is a bit shorter, but the last one was super long so I think it balances out.

Please vote or comment a random word or do something that will make me happy. Thanks!!

Picture on the side is Jace from the last chapter. (AREN’T I GREAT AT FINDING SUPER HOT GUYS?!)

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