Chapter 30: Sleep it Off

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My lips parted greedily to savor the lingering syrup on his tongue, igniting my taste buds with sexualized sugar. The bottle clattered to the floor and Cyrus' hand wove into my curls to pull my face closer as I rocked my hips against him eagerly. A groan rumbled in his chest, transferring warmth through my entire body in shock waves.

The electrons in my cells were racing with the speed of my pulse as I wound a leg around his sinewy lower body. He cupped a strong hand under my thigh to lift me with an insistent grunt that tickled south of my tummy.

My glow was searing against his magnificent auburn sparks and creating luminous tails like tiny comets. The minuscule supernovas vibrated and streaked at dizzying speeds, bathing our stolen moment in soft radiance.

The alcohol on his tongue was giving me a contact high and I nibbled his lower lip to tease his senses. Cyrus responded with an urgent moan and crushed his mouth to mine.

"Oh my hell!" Isla's shocked voiced squeaked, startling us both to separate. "I didn't think you'd actually hook up with her!"

"Isla," Cyrus growled, angling my body to cover his front and panting into my shoulder. "Get out of here!"

"You said you couldn't stand her!" She continued with wounded eyes that killed my lady-boner on contact.

"Hey!" Mac bellowed from the open door of the sleeping quarters. "What is going on out there?"

He thundered into the main room with a wild look of a disheveled mountain man as Cyrus' grip around me loosened.

"He started it," I muttered, shamefaced.

"Hey!" Cyrus slurred.

"Look at their tongues," Isla tattled behind Mac, her narrowed eyes on her brother. "They're blue!"

The distinct Pantone must have transferred during our frantic tonsil hockey session and I licked my lips to savor the delectable guilt.

"You're drunk," Mac scowled at us. "What happened to managing your sobriety?"

"Not cool, Mac," I snapped, "My addiction has nothing to do-"

"I wasn't talking to you," Mac replied, deadpan.

I gulped to cover my gasp while Isla scuttled into the kitchen to pour her brother a glass of water from a pitcher on the counter. Cyrus accepted the tumbler, but offered it to me first, which I declined. He took a long gulp before answering.

"It's not the only promise that's been broken lately," he replied enigmatically.

Mac pinched the bridge of his nose to push the skin around in tight circles. "I wish you kids would listen to me. Just once! Not all the time, just once would be nice," he grumbled. "We have enough to deal with already. I don't need your hormonal bullshit screwing up this team!"

Valentina stormed through the door next, followed by the twins. Cyrus bowed his head into my shoulder, his laughter dark and a tad confusing for the position we'd been caught in.

"Really?" Valentina asked, popping her hip to fold her arms over her chest. "This again, Cyrus?"

My ears piqued at her question, and I twisted to look over at Cyrus who was shaking his head. The black sheen leached from his eyes to reveal a painful struggle behind them, one that I knew all too well.

"I don't need a lecture," he said, stalking into the shadows.

"You need to sleep it off, is what you need. On the couch!" Mac snatched the bottle off the floor. "Ella, so help me, I will tie you to your bed and have Basem sit on your chest if you try to get up again."

"I'll clean this up," Valentina announced, frowning at the sapphire stain seeping into the wood floors. "Isla, can you grab a blanket for Cyrus?"

I retreated to my bunk to avoid the stares of the other Scions, most of all Cyrus.

It was a long night full of Mac's terrible snoring and my wretched thoughts.

The bands of muscle stretched over Cyrus' middle haunted my dreams, as did the two angular striations poking out of his boxer briefs. Honestly, you could wash laundry on that man's abdominals and wind up with the dirtiest britches ever. I'd never wanted a person (human or subspecies) so much that it hurt, but the throbbing ache in my lady-business only fueled my craving for more.

Part of me wanted to test boundaries and go out to the living room so we could finish what we'd started. 

It had been at least a year since I'd had any sort of erotic encounter, and that kiss ignited my body into a frenetic hum. Who knows? Maybe a little sexual healing could bring my powers back to their full capacity?

The other part of me wondered if Cyrus' actions were the effects of his addiction, and nothing more.

I'd had no idea that Cyrus was struggling with substance abuse, but that's because I didn't know him at all. At most, it was a moment of animalistic weakness or an outlet for our compartmentalized animosity toward one another. Either way, our hasty actions had created a tenuous rift in the dynamic of the siblings.

Hi! Thank you so much for your patience with me and I am so sorry it has taken me a while to post. How is everyone? 

 How is everyone? 

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