Chapter 7: A Campaigning trip

Start from the beginning

Yagyuu: Yeah we all miss your cute smile Y/n.

Y/n: What?

Yagyuu: (little blush) Oh nothing.

Y/n: Still there is one problem that bothers me.

Ikaruga: What is it?

Y/n: That shinobi Yumi told us about. The one that knows about me and my fathers evil clan. How dose she know that and why telling everyone about that?

Katsuragi: Oh who cares about that shinobi, besides it's not like she's gonna after you or anything.

Asuka: Katsuragi can you please let go of my breast.

Katsuragi: (smile) Just a little more.

Asuka: Katsuragi!

Y/n: Actually I encounter her when I was practising with my training. I chaseafter her but she got away.

They were surprised that a shinobi met Y/n and Katsuragi let's Asuka go and Asuka asked.

Asuka: What dose this person look like?

Y/n: Well what Yumi said about that shinobi, she is a female but she was wearing a black cloak with a hood over her so I can't tell about her face.

Katsuragi: Wait.

Y/n: Where is master Kiriya, I bet he knows something about that mystery Shinobi.

Hibari: He's away to have a meeting with the other shinobi masters and won't be back until then.

Y/n: Huh so there is more shinobi masters in Tokyo?

Ikaruga: Yeah and they were very skilled with the art of shinobi and they are very powerful. They are the top rank of all shinobi and they talk about something important like new threats or new shinobi clans.

Y/n: Huh sounds interesting. So what happens now?

Ikaruga: Right now we're just hanging out and see if anything is happening that need our help.

Y/n: So standing around and do nothing. Sounds boring.

Katsuragi: Your telling me. I wanna beat some bad guys besides sitting my ass and do nothing.

Ikaruga: Oh I almost forgot. Yumi came here and ask if you would like to join them on their mission in the woods.

Y/n: Really? What is the mission?

Ikaruga: Don't know but she would like to meet you at the park at 4:30 if you accept it.

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'm dieing for some action, bet this will be great.

Katsuragi: Hey may I come with you?

Y/n: (smile) Sure at least other of us will be dieing for some action.

Katsuragi: (smile) Awesome!

Ikaruga: Well good luck you two and be careful.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, we be back before we even complete our mission for the next 7 seconds.

Then Y/n and Katsuragi head out while the rest was silent and Asuka said to Ikaruga.

Asuka: Don't worry I'm sure Katsuragi and Y/n will be fine.

Ikaruga: Hope so.

Yagyuu: You look kinda worried about Y/n. I never knew you worried about someone more.

Ikaruga: (blush) W-Well he is a part of our team. S-so its normal forme to get worried about my team.

Yagyuu: Alright but hope they will be fine without us.

Senran kagura harem X Male reader: A shinobi Fighting for peaceWhere stories live. Discover now