Chapter 8: The machine factory and Asuka's date (Lemon)

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As the Hazno academy we see Asuka walking through the halls of the school as she thinks that this is time for her and Y/n to go one their first date together as she stops and looks out of the window as she wonders to herself.

Asuka: (thought) OK Asuka you been around Y/n and shown to have to love him. Now it's time go on a actually day out together. But what if he refused or worse? Calm down Asuka he's not like, just go and ask him out and things would be fine. Just need to find him and asked him.

Hibari: (smile) Hey Asuk.

Asuka jumps and turns to see Hibari and Yagyuu there as Yagyuu asked.

Yagyuu: You alright Asuka, you look kinda nervous about something?

Asuka: Oh I'm ok I was wondering if you see Y/n anywhere?

Hibari: I think he is in the woods doing some shinobi training.

Asuka: Is he alone?

Yagyuu: Yeah he said he'll be working on some ninja stars that he made for some reason.

Asuka: That'd good.

Hibari: Why is there a problem?

Asuka: Oh no just wanna ask him something, I see you two later and thanks.

Asuka runs off while Yagyuu and Hibari find it kinda odd as we cut back to Asuka running out of the building and into the forest were she hear a explosion and races over and arrived at the location and see Y/n with a table with different types of ninja stars with a target in front of him as he grabs a clip board and writes something in.

Y/n: Explosion stars are a bit too big so I may need to have a small amount of TNT so I won't blow anyones arm off.

Asuka: Hey Y/n, what are you doing in the forest?

He turn to see Asuka walking up to him as he places down his clipboard and said.

Y/n: (smile) Well since there is evil spirits and my father have a new army that tries to kill me I figured I upgrade my equipment so I be stronger.

Asuka: (smile) That's pretty cool and ninja stars is your starter point?

Y/n: (smile) Yep I have different kinds of explosion, acid, smoke bomb, tracker and many more. But I needed to test them first so I can use them in missions.

Asuka: That's pretty cool, it can be very useful in our missions.

Y/n: Yeah. So what brings you here Asuka?

Asuka: (blush) W-Well I was wondering if you like to go out with me.

Y/n: Sure who else is coming with us and where-

Asuka: (blush) No I mean just you and me, if you know what I mean.

Y/n: (blush) Oh.....OH that.

Asuka: (blush) If you don't want to its ok, I'll understand.

Y/n: (blush) No No I'll like to go with you and besides it be great we can get to know each other more.

Asuka: Well I kinda know about you so I guess you'll know a little about me.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess that's true (chuckle).

Asuka: (blush) So is that a yes?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah anywhere you like to go?

Asuka: Well I figured we visit them in their concert at the theme park at six afternoon.

She then pulls out a poster and looks at it and read through the poster.

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