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Kiara's POV

I moved here to LA with my best friend, Mia when I was 18, now I'm 20. I gotten to know this guy named Daniel and he has been my boy best friend ever since but I have a stupid huge crush on him. But it probably won't happen since Mia got a job offer in New York, so we are moving there.

I couldn't face Daniel and tell him that I'm moving so I just did it over text which is probably the worst idea possible. I finished packing all of my things and we get in the car to drive to the airport.

When we get on the highway it starts down pouring and there's a hell of a lot of traffic.

"Hey I'm sorry about having you leave LA. I know this place is special to you. And because Daniel lives here you wanna stay" Mia says and I nod and lean my head on the window.

"I couldn't face him" I say and she slaps my shoulder which makes me grab onto it.

"You kidding me!? Now he is going to regret ever telling you that he loves you!" Mis says and I chuckle.

"He doesn't love me. I'm just trying to stay out of the friend zone for a bit" I say and she nods moving up a bit. The traffic is going slow, like really slow.

I look out the window and I hear something driving up fast our way. Daniels dirt bike.

"Girl you better go fucking get him. And when you get out of this car you are living with him and FaceTiming me every damn day girl." Mia says and I nod. I open the car door and get out but immediately get soaked right after but I don't care. I start running down the yellow line but everyone around me keeps honking. I look in the distance and see two lights coming to me. Daniel.

The bike stops around 10 meters in front of me and I see Daniel come off and take his helmet off. I can see him smile and we go running to each other and jump in a huge hug.

"What are you doing here??" I ask and he smiles at me.

"You couldn't leave me without a proper goodbye" Daniel says chuckling at the end which makes me smile. He puts both of his hands on my cheeks and hold my face close to his.

"I couldn't let you leave without telling you how I feel" He says and I put my forehead to his.

"Kiara Violet Anderson I have been in love with you since the second I laid my eyes on you. Everything about you is perfect, your eyes are perfect, your skin is perfect, your hair is perfect, your cute nose is perfect, Kiara everything about you is perfect in my eyes. You are the most gorgeous human being to ever walk this planet. I remember the day we met like it was just two hours ago. You were drinking a coffee while looking around the music store trying to find more pairs of drum sticks because your brother asked you to even though he is 13 years old. And I had to tell you that I love you before you went on that plane and flew all the way across the country with at least no goodbye hug." Daniel says and I giggle and smile wide at him.

"Daniel James Seavey I'm in love with you too. Since the minute we met at the music store." I say and he smiles widely and smashes his lips against mine passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck and on hand is on my cheek while the other is wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

Another car honks so when we're kissing I stick the middle finger up at whatever car it was. This kiss made me feel that Daniel is the one for me and that we will love each other till the end of time.

"If your leaving I'm coming with you" He says and I shake my head.

"I'm not leaving. Not now, not ever. I'm staying here with you because I love you" I say and he grabs my hands. I swear this is straight out of a movie.

"Now let's get home shall we?" He asks and I nod.

"YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!" Mia yells from her car which makes me laugh. I wave bye to her and we walk to his bike hand in hand. I sit behind him on the bike and he gives me his helmet which I gladly put on since he already had one on his head.

"Kiara Anderson, will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod rapidly and he kisses me softly and slowly. But ends after a few seconds letting us drive home. Like I said, straight out of a movie

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