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River's POV

I just came home from work which was at Starbucks. I am a barista there and it is my favorite job so far. I put my bag down and I look in the living room to see my boyfriend Daniel of two years, sitting on the couch playing on his phone.

"Hey bub" I say and walk over to him. He puts his phone down and motions me to cuddle with him which I gladly accept. I lay my head on his chest with my legs in between his. My arms around wrapped around his waist while he plays with my hair.

I put my chin on his chest and look up at him while he looks down at me. I kiss his lips softly then pull away after a few seconds. He smiles and kisses my forehead while we sit in silence and cuddle. Soon enough my eyes start getting heavy and I fall asleep.

I wake up to sniffles to I open my eyes and look up and see Daniel crying.

"Hey hey hey bub what's the matter?!" I ask and sit on his lap with my legs at his sides. I hold his head in my hands to make him look at me and when he does, I see red tears stains on his face. I take my thumbs and wipe the tears and look at him.

"Dani why are you crying?" I ask quietly and he shakes his head but I guide his head back into my view.

"Baby I'm not gonna say anything. Please just tell me?" I ask an md he sniffles and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I-I'm scared that one day y-you will find s-someone else other than me. I'll loose you forever and you'll be more happy than with me and I'll be the worst I have ever been" Daniel says and tears start running down his face but I wipe them quickly and press my lips to his softly and gently so he gets the memo. I pull away after a few seconds and look him dead in the eyes.

"Daniel James Seavey, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love every inch of you. From your ocean blue eyes to your loving personality. Those are just two reasons why I love you, and there are a thousand more to go. You will never and I mean never loose me, got it? That's the last thing I will ever want. Your so pure and loving, kind, talented, and don't get me started on how good looking you are" I say and try to crack a joke at the end but I continue.

"You have and always will be the best boyfriend I have ever dated. Or even met in general. Your soul is pure and that doesn't live in some people. I love you Daniel James, and nothing will change that" I say and he has tears running down his face which I wipe away using my thumb. He smashes his lips onto mine and holds me tight by my waist. After seconds we pull away and he rests his forehead to mine.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" He says smiling.

"And it won't be the last" I say and he nods. He leans back on the couch and we cuddle more. This boys soul is the purest thing that this planet has ever seen. And I will make sure that he knows all the time.

Daniel Seavey ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora