Can't Do It

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Tia's POV
Flashback 5 years ago

"911 what's your emergency?" Said the lady on the other end of the line.

"Hi yes my name Is Mattia Campbell and my house is on fire. Everyone is out besides my mom please help!" I say with tears streaming down my face. I was smart for a 10 year old.

"Ok Hun I need you to tell me your address and where the fire is coming from and how it started" The lady says and my brother holds onto my leg tight while crying.

"We live on 4th Park Avenue. The fire is coming from the kitchen and spreading fast around the house. My mom was cooking dinner and all of a sudden the oven burst into flames. Only my brother and I got out but my dad is trying to find my mom" I complain and I hear sirens coming from around the street. That was the last time I have ever saw my parents.

Skip to current time

I am currently dating Daniel Seavey of 2 years and he has helped me through so much. We were sitting on the couch with his band mates when I get a call.

"Hold on a sec" I say and Daniel nods while unwrapping his arm from my shoulder. I press answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Mattia Campbell speaking" I say on the phone and go around the corner.

"Hello Ms. Campbell this is the police station down Park Street. I'm sorry to say this but your brother passed away in a car accident. I'm so sorry for your loss" The lady says and tears brim my eyes. Not him.

"Ok" I say just above a whisper and she hangs up the phone. My grip on the glass I have in my hand gets too tight and it shatters in my hand making some shards get stuck in my hand. I drop my phone and everyone comes running over.

I loose balance in my legs and drop to the floor and sob.

"Tia what's wrong" Daniel says dropping to the floor and putting his hands on my shoulders. He looking at me deep in the eyes but I can't make out any words at this point. This struck me like a bolt. I avoid his gaze and sob, makeup running down my face, everyone surrounding me.

"Tia tell me!" Daniel says shaking me

"HES GONE!" I scream and hold my stomach.

"I can't do this, I can't do this, it's to much" I say and Daniel sits next to me. The boys sit down in front of me and comfort me while I sob on Daniels shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore! I'm loosing everyone!" I say and Daniel puts my head in his hands and looks me in the eyes.

"Hey hey don't you say that ok? You are the strongest women I know and I am so proud to call you mine so don't you say that you can't do it because I know you can" Daniel says and wipes the tears pouring out of my eyes. I shake my head and he nods his.

"Your ok baby" He whispers to me and I shudder and try and calm myself down.

"I'll start cleaning the glass" Jonah says and we all nod while he grabs the broom. Daniel helps me up and carries me upstairs to our shared bedroom. He sets me on the bed and helps me change out of my outfit and into his boxers and his hoodie. He runs to the bathroom and grabs my makeup remover and sits next to me on the bed.

He sits me on his lap and gently takes off my makeup. He finishes and goes to hold my hand but I wince in pain. He looks down and his eyes widen to see my hand covered in blood.

"Oh shit baby. Wait here I'll grab somethings to help you" Daniel says and kisses my forehead and runs out of the room. A minute later he comes back with a medical kit and he makes me sit on his lap. He takes the twizzers and starts taking out some shards of glass.

I wince in pain and he kiss my neck for comfort. He finishes taking out the glass and takes the rubbing alcohol and lightly presses it down and leaves a peck on my neck to distract me. A tear rolls down my face and he wipes it away with his thumb.

He finishes by wrapping my hand up in a wrap and putting everything on the side table.

"Come on baby it's getting late" He says to me and I nod. We get under the covers and Daniel moves close to me so that we are only and inch apart. I grab his hands and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I can't take the pain Dani. It's to much. My parents and now my brother, I'm losing everyone I love" I whisper and he puts his hand on my cheek and looks me dead in the eyes but I avoid his gaze.

"Tia look at me" He says and moves my chin up to look deep into his bright blue orbs that are glossy.

"Your not going to loose anymore people do your hear me? Your not going anywhere. Neither are the boys, and neither am I. You are strong and I will help you get through this no matter what it takes. I promise you that one day everything will me happy. You and me will get married and your family's spirits will be at the wedding. Your dad will be walking you down the aisle with mine. Your mom will be sitting front row crying of how absolutely gorgeous you will look. And your brother will probably be eyeing me down making sure that I meant ever word of my vows. I promise you after this moment, you will have the time of your life every single fucking day. Because I will be with you every step of the damn way" He says and a couple tears run down both of our faces. I put my hand on his cheek and wipe the tear coming down his face making his chuckle.

"I love you Dani. So much" I whisper to him and he presses his lips to mine moving in sync. His puts his hand to my cheek and I move my leg over his. His hands glide down my waist and he places it on my butt. We pull away from the kiss and I keep my eyes lightly shut.

I smile and open my eyes to see Daniels bright blue eyes looking at me in awe.

"I love you too baby girl. So much" He says and I peck his lips one last time. I craw on top of him and lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his neck while he plays with my hair.

"I love you" I say and smile at him.

"There's that beautiful smile. I love you to Mattia Campbell" He says and kisses me one last time before we fall asleep. He has always kept his promises.

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