Twö Little Aliens

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The car ride to the appointment was uneventful. No one spoke and the car was full of awkward tension. I was worried about what Mick was thinking, worried about what happened in my office between Mick and Vince, and worried if Isaiah was picking up on the tension. I was also worried as to the real reason Vince wanted to come along. He didn't go to my appointments with Isaiah and Jamie. Tommy went with me.

I was relieved to see Isaiah is asleep, so he can't feel the tension.
I make several awkward attempts of small talk, or just conversation in general. Eventually I stop, seeing they aren't budging.

"Okay then, let's all be assholes and not talk."

Vince and Mick grind their teeth. Vince makes a snide comment, making Mick glare at him and goes to reply but realizes we are at Denny's.

"Okay, so when I wake Isiah up, this bullshit pissing contest you two are doing goes on the back burner. You need to at least try and act like your fucking age. I'm not asking, either. I'll call you a cab in a heartbeat Vincent."

I was not in the mood to deal with THREE children. Especially not two giant ass men acting like petty ass toddlers. One by one we all start to get out the car. First was Mick, his attitude radiating off him like the sun's rays. Then Vince, his face pure anger that I called him by his full first name, and his attitude just as strong as Mick's.

Once Vince was out I got out and went to the backseat. Mick and Vince already stormed into the diner. Fan-fucking-tastic, leave me to handle a sleepy seven year old alone while considerably heavily pregnant. I was seriously contemplating getting a cab and just taking off. Going to the appointment myself, and getting MYSELF a four bedroom flat. Honestly, who needs a man, who acts like a bigger child than an actual child, to raise three kids? There's plenty of single moms. Granted they aren't typically a twenty-three year old with a seven year old and two newborns on the way. So, I quickly pushed the thought away.

"Isaiah, honey, time to get up. We gotta eat, babe."

I shook his shoulder lightly. When he started to stir awake I unbuckled his seatbelt. He looked at me with groggy eyes and a cranky look on his face. I sigh softly and gently pull him out of the car. I fixed him on my hip and shut the car door, with the opposite hip. I had both my hands full with my son. When I went to the door a nice gentleman behind me opened it for me.

"There you go miss. I got the door for you. You seem to have your hands full."

I smiled, "thank you, sir. You have no idea how much a light that is on my morning. Huge family drama."

He nodded and I went into the diner. I scanned the room looking for my brother and boyfriend. I soon spotted them near the back in a vacant corner. I walked towards them, just to be stopped by a waitress.

"Sorry miss. The back corner is reserved off. Please follow me and I'll get you a table."

"Oh, you don't realize who I am. Sorry, I assumed everyone knew me. I'm with the guys in the back corner. Now, don't make my morning worse and have me call a manager. I'll have you fired in two shakes of a rattle."

Damn it, mom brain is hitting me sooner than it did with my other two. Her eyes went wide nonetheless. She let me pass and followed me to the table.

"Sorry to bother you, sirs. But this," she raked her eyes up and down my body, "woman says she is with you."

Vince looked up and so did Mick. They picked up on her judgement. She was probably assuming I was a groupie or some random slut.

"I don't like the tone you're using about my sister and nephew."

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