Let me Explain.

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Please, interact with this chapter. I really need yalls help, and I really sincerely apologize for leaving yall hanging for nearly two years. But, giving your input will not only help the book get finished and polished perfectly, but it also boosts engagement, which means more people are more likely to see this. Which means more readers, more input, and more people who might enjoy this book. 

I'm so sorry I One Directioned you guys. This book was only meant to be on hold for a few months, six months at most. It's been two years, almost three, since the last chapter went live. I just needed time to work through some life stuff and needed time to stockpile more chapters. Only one of which actually happened, and not as well as I would have liked. So, below, I will explain as much as possible, without a lot of the details. You don't know me; I don't know you. And somethings strangers on the internet shouldn't now about you. 

Firstly, the origins of this book. My cousin and I started this book together. It has forever lived on this account. This was one of the only books that may appear on this account that wasn't another book idea I had on my previous account. This book was started in 2020 at the very start of the pandemic. I was 18 years old and had just seen The Dirt for the first time. Obviously, it became one of my hyper fixations turned special interest as it deals with one of my favorite bands of all time. I started writing this when me and my boyfriend at the time got into a really weird and stupid argument over Motley Crue. He called them stupid and said they sucked. I, obviously, defended them because Motley Crue had been one of my favorite bands since I was in diapers (if you ask my dad, if you ask me, I'd say probably around seventh grade is when I really started to appreciate them as artists and really understand their songs.) I had no real idea in mind when writing this, and neither did my cousin. It was just something cool for us to do together to pass the time. 

Secondly, when I started posting this, I thought I would be able to keep up the pace I was going at. I had a lot of chapters stockpiled and was writing a new chapter almost as fast as I was posting them. However, life got hard, and burnout and creative block hit me hard. As some may know, in August of 2021 I went through a really bad miscarriage as well as escaping a narcissist. 2021 was a bad year for me. Every time I felt good enough to come back and try to work on this book, I got so in my head that I just couldn't write. I kept hitting a wall when it came to writing and creating a plot for this book. 

Thirdly, my writing style has changed a lot since then. When I reread this book, yes I'm proud of it, but I cringe at the spelling errors and misuse of a lot of words. Also, the way this book just has massive time jumps between chapters. I also realize that some of these tours that have already happened, Marnie was supposed to be on it with them, but I just skip right over it. I also skipped right over a lot of the legal stuff, NICU stays, and small mundane things involving the kids and the hospital stays. I feel so bad for doing that to yall. I hate when time skips happen without warning or notice. 

Fourthly, I'm contemplating taking down what I have of this book to do some heavy editing, story fluffing, and filling out the plot holes. If you agree, that is. I just don't want to constantly flooding your notifications with story updates. I'm also toying with the idea of writing out a prologue, just to give you a look into Marnie's life before Crue. Marnie shares most of Vince's backstory, however, a lot of her backstory is fabricated. I was mostly using the movie to write this, and that just doesn't do what I wanted this book to be any justice. So, that leads me into my last point. 

Lastly, I want you to tell me what you want to see happen in this book. I have most of the major plot points planned out. However, it's the getting there I'm having trouble with. At the end, I'll have a list of things you can comment on for different topics I want to cover, but don't have creative juices to make stuff up. The topics range from wedding ideas, honeymoon ideas, questions you want either Marnie, Kiri or all of them to answer, school events you want to see either Mick Marnie or both attend for Isaiah, and more. Any and all input is greatly appreciated. 


Hey all. So, I'm working very hard to bring more chapters to you. However, I'm a bit stuck. So, anything you want to see the gang do while in Colorado? Any ideas for interview questions? Anything you want to see Kiri and Marnie do with the kids? Their siblings? Their partners? Each other? 

Right now, we are in 1985. The Colorado trip takes place in June of 1985. Amelia and Lucien are five months old; Amelia is three and a half months out of the NICU and Lucien is three months out of the NICU. 

Right now, I have two chapters ready and waiting, I just want to have a few more chapters in the stockpile before I start posting once more.

Thanks for any input.

Topics you can help with: 

Questions for interviews. (mention who the question is for.) 

School Activities (say who should do the activity out of Mick, Marnie or both) 

Trips (specify whole crue or just Marnie and a select person, also state month and year you want the trip to happen) 

Paparazzi interactions (good or bad, and who) 

Kiri and Vince's wedding

Mick and Marnie's wedding (happens in 1992, but month and day and theme not known. small intimate wedding. Intimate for rock stars basically means close friends and family but they think a lot of friends are other bands, so tell me who all yall want there) 

Cute Mick, Isaiah and Lucien fluff

cute crue moments with the kids

normal family moments with the crue

what yall wanna see Marnie get up to on tours

Other (anything else yall wanna see that isn't listed) 

If you've gotten this far, I have to say. Thank you. I appreciate you. I see you. I love you. And you matter. Also, little self-promo, but this universe that I've created also appears in another universe I've created. I have a Stranger Things book in the making. It's in its infancy messy non coherent and nowhere close to being able to be posted. However, I figured I'd let you all know, just in case that is something you'd be interested in. 

Thank you for everything. 


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