1 // I Like This Fate.

Start from the beginning

Ding Dong, Bing Bong

Shuichi Saihara, 1:37pm

I closed the door to the men's washroom and headed towards one of the sinks. I scanned the room a bit, confirming no one was here.
I looked at the mirror, staring myself in the face. A demented smile filled my expression, I couldn't hold back.
I covered my face with one hand. My heart was beating at the speed of light. My whole body was shivering. I started to laugh. It sounded like what a cheesy villain would laugh like but I couldn't help myself. It kept coming out of me, like my soul could finally release its happiness after this whole day.
I'm so happy.
"Fate is so wonderful..."
I pulled myself together, fixing my hair a bit and putting my hat back on. It was time to head to detention.

I creaked open the gym door, scanning around the room. Everyone here seemed to be bundled up on a long table with a female professor. 10 people at most.
The middle aged woman noticed me and waved me over cheerfully.
"Saihara, Come join us!"
As I quickly walked towards the group, I was trying to see if the new boy was here. I spotted him. He was sitting next to the teacher. He looked a bit uncomfortable to be here.
"Saihara, you're Ouma's classmate, right? You should be partners then."
I was a bit taken aback. Partners? And his last name is Ouma huh...
Ouma shifted in his seat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
"Oh, we're preparing some things for the winter dance! I don't want you all to waste your time here, so I decided you will all help me with some decorating."
The teacher got up and motioned for me to take her seat next to Ouma.
I stood there contemplating. This wasn't the time to panic! I need to get close to him if I want anything to start, right?
I went around the table and took a seat next to Ouma, keeping a modest distance.
I kinda regret it now.
We just sat next to each other awkwardly as everyone else freely talked with their partners.
Come on, Saihara! You can do it!
I built up some courage and just tried to talk to him.
"So, u-uh... What do we do?"
That didn't come out as confident as I wanted it to. He flinched at the sudden break of silence, his big purple orbs flickering from my face to a big paper in front of us.
"I was put in charge of drawing the banner, so I guess you'll help me." I watched him fiddle with his fingers nervously as he spoke. He was soft spoken and timid, definitely different from the confident detective Kageyasu. They look so alike though, it's crazy. Maybe he's a bit prettier, though...
I realized I ended up staring again, looking down at my lap with a red face. I nodded an okay, mentally scolding myself for failing so bad at interaction.

A good 10 minutes passed. I was just sat next to Ouma watching him sketch out on the banner. I felt a bit useless to him. I'm not good at drawing at all.
"Shuichi! Help your friend!"
The professor pinched my ear and I let out a small 'ow'. I sighed annoyed. I was pressuring myself enough. I don't need your input!
I scooched over to Ouma, our eyes meeting briefly before he nervously pulled away again.
"Please let me help you, Ouma-kun" I murmured in a bit of a sad tone. I couldn't just sit around as he did all the work.
I watched Ouma's slightly flustered expression turn into a more thoughtful one. He looked rather cute. I couldn't help but smile to myself.
"Could you fill in the snowflakes?"
He took a icy blue marker and held it out to me. I took it and felt our fingers brush, making me jolt back with the marker quickly. Ouma's expression was a bit confused, but he just turned his attention back to the project.

He started some of the line art as I filled in each one he completed. Ignoring my throbbing heart, this felt great. I haven't felt so happy in ages. We only exchanged a few words here and there, but that was enough to give me pure bliss. He seemed more comfortable around me too, which just was an indescribable feeling.
By now, most people had left. Me and Ouma were the only ones still at the table.
"Hey, Saihara-kun. I'm a bit tired. Should we stop for today?"
My head quickly snapped towards him. I nodded, and we both put down our markers with heavy sighs. Kokichi turned to me, a barely noticeable smile on his face that made his features shine even brighter than before.
"Well, um... Good job!"
He put up his hand, signalling a high five. After a few silent seconds of nervous processing, I high fived him, earning a bigger smile on my face.
We both looked in opposite directions. My face was burning and so was my chest. I at least hope my hat kept me from being too visible.
"Also, I'm sorry. For shoving you, I mean. Let's start fresh, okay?"
I didn't face Ouma, just hummed in agreement. I already knew he was looking at me right now. Meeting his enchanting eyes might make me break down again and completely shatter his impression of me.
For a brief second though I couldn't help myself. I looked up at him. I was instantly trapped in his gaze. He was smiling at me.
He's so cute. He's so cute. He's so cute he's so cute he's so cute he's so c ute he's so cut e. ..
I slapped myself in the face and groaned.
He let out a small gasp from my actions and placed one of his hands on my shoulder.
"Are you alright, Saihara-kun?"
I slowly got up, a small hand reached out to me holding my bag. I looked at him and he was smiling again. I took it and swung it over my shoulders, whispering a thank you."

I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
I nodded, managing to smile back for once. I still couldn't look him in the eyes, though.
Ouma's face lit up and then looked away from me. He picked up his shoulder bag and started to walk out of the gym.
I stood there, watching him.
I looked at my phone screen, staring at the photo of Ouma I clicked. His face wasn't that visible in the photo, but slowly I'll get closer to him. I drooled a bit, thinking of the possibilities of us really getting closer. I have no idea why he's so nice to such a lowlife like me, but I won't waste my chance.
I think I like him...

{I wrote this through out the day so sorry if its a bit messy! This is basically just the beginning, so stay tunned:) I am not too proud of this one so I'll try my best to improve. thank you for reading this far ❤️
Also wattpad is being really glitchy so I'm sorry if there's any typos it created T_T I revisioned this a few times but errors

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