Party Day-No more secrets.

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I had been so caught up in dancing with Chris that I hadn't noticed that Bre had left. I looked around to see if she was nearby but she was nowhere to be found. I pull Chris in and whisper in his ear that I needed to find my friends. He nods and grabs my hand as we make our way through the crowd. When we get out in the hall it felt like I could breathe again compared to inside the party because of how many people were actually there.

"Omg, fresh air" I sighed in relief.

"I'm actually really thirsty, all that dancing we were doing got my mouth dry," he said

"Was it all the dancing or all the kissing?" I said jokingly.

 "It's crazy I haven't seen Normani or Bre for a while. We came together so we have to party together." I said looking around to see if they were in the hall where crowds of people seemed to be gathering.

"Sound like somebody fighting over there," Chris says.

We both walk over to see what's going on. As we make our way to the front of the crowd I could see a girl laying on the ground surrounded by four other girls.

"Is that Bre?" Chris yells out.

When I realized it was my friend laying on the ground all beat up and bleeding I couldn't believe it. "BRE!" I shriek. I look around to actually paying attention to the faces of the people surrounding her and it's Rika and Quez. Before I knew I was charging at Rika, yelling for Bre to get her ass up.

"Yall clown ass bitches couldn't fight one on one?"  I said snatching Rika to the ground by her hair and letting her have it. 

As I'm fighting Rika one of her friends sneaks me from the back and I fall to the ground. The girl was standing over me about to attack. 

"Oh, Shit! Shayla" Chris yells out. He runs up grabs the girl off of me and tosses her to the side."

As Chris pulls me to my feet, I look around and see George and Normani walking up. 


After George and I finished we took a walk outside just casually talking. He said he wanted to have more alone time with me before giving all of his attention to his party quests. After about thirty mins, that little dress I had on wasn't doing much against the chilly night breeze. We decided to head back inside and when we walked through the doors it seemed like the party had moved from the dance hall and into the actual hallway.

"What is going on" George yells out.

As we got closer I could see everything "Somebody is fighting, Ghetto asses" I said annoyed.

George was upset at the commotion that he began to push through the crowd with force. "Move the fuck out the way" he barked.

Stepping from behind George to see who in the hell would be disrespecting this man party. I saw it was my friends tussling with Rika and her friends. Rika grabs Bre by her hair and drags her across the floor. 

"This bitch...No ma'am" I drop my handbag, kick off my heels and charge at Rika. 

"Beat her up Nori!" Shayla yells from the side as Chris holds her back.

"Damnnnn, I didn't know Nori got down like that" Chris exclaimed.

Geroge tries to break the fight up before things escalate any further. He grabs me and pulls me off of Rika. Chris is holding Shayla back and Quez walks over standing between Bre and Rika. Everyone is breathing hard, the crowd is chanting for the fight to continue and Geroge is furious still trying to calm things down. 

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