Who is Jasmine

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Food Court Continued...

Rika and Quez were known for being that crazy-ass couple who would break up and get right back together. They would always fight and argue publicly and make their drama everybody else's drama.

"What's going on, Shayla...Normani", Quez said as he searched around us for Bre.

We spoke back, and I side-eye and nudge Normani with my elbow to get her attention. I can't believe this fool is sitting here looking for our friend while his girlfriend is right here.

"Where yall other homegirl get off too?" he finally asked.

"Not sure," I said, rolling my eyes and then Ignoring him completely to sit at the table.

At the table was just me, Normani, Rika, and Quez. It looked like she had been doing some shopping of her own, seeing as she had many shopping bags sitting around the table on the floor.

"So I already know you got your fit together for Saturday night, Shay. What are you girls going to be looking like?" she asked excitedly.

Normani spoke up first, describing her dress to Rika and how nervous she was about wearing it. I reassured her that she was going to look fantastic and to stop worrying so much. I, on the other hand, was not revealing my outfit to anyone. I wanted heads to roll when I arrived. I knew Rika had other intentions for the asking anyway. She just wanted to know how I was coming so she could try to top me. No way in hell I was going to ever give her a chance to. "You will just have to wait and see me at the party. Just know I'm not sparing anybody at this party," I said as I flipped my hair back.

"Okay then, I hear that," Rika said smugly as she took a sip of her drink.

"Whatever you ladies wear, I'm sure you all will look beautiful," Quez reassured.

We all gush over his comment, and then Quez gives me this look and asks "Is it true bout your brother?"

With a confused look on my face, I respond "Is what true?" 

"I heard your brother messing around with that girl Jasmine from the Glades," he explained.

"Yea, Some girl pulled up on him yesterday after the game I'm guessing that's who you referring to...Do you know her?"

Before he could respond, Rika interrupted "Yea..Please tell us how the hell you know her?" she retorted.

Quez smacked his teeth then brushed Rika's apparent attitude off. "Chill out Rika, I know her cause she used to talk to my boy Phase. He used to be at her spot every day last summer. Then my boy Craig, Bobby, Jimmy, and Larry all use to fuck with her. Hell ain't no telling who else that girl has been with." he said, laughing.

I looked over at Rika and saw that her attitude had worsened "All your homeboys, but what about you Quez?...huh?....You hit that too?" she questioned.

"Hell nawl, I'm not taking no chances. Besides, I got all I need right here", he said, placing his finger under her chin and lifting her head up to bring her in close for a kiss.

Meanwhile, I couldn't believe what Quez was telling me about my brother Rodney. If what he was saying was right, there was no way in hell I was about to let my brother go out bad like that. Not behind no chick almost all of his friends have slept with.

I could hear Normani whisper under her breath, "Humph, he always chasing the wrong females."

I shook my head and thought back to the way the chick Jasmine was dressed. She looked like a slut, so it was no surprise to me what Quez was saying about her." I gotta see what's up with that, but thanks for the info Quez. I'll speak to my brother about it." I nudged Normani, letting her know I was ready to go.

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