"W-What? H-How?" She asked in disbelief.

"There was a gunshot in his abdomen. When I found him he was barely breathing. I tried everything but he'd already lost so much blood. It was too late."

The room fell silent. Andre and Devonte were both in disbelief but put there attention on Alexis who seemed to be frozen. That had to have been what they'd heard on the phone call earlier - the gun shot followed by Gianna's scream. Calogero watched Alexis too. It seemed like someone had put her on pause, but that was about to change. A heart wrenching cry escaped Alexis' lips and she started sobbing uncontrollably. It was so sudden it shocked the three guys but Devonte was quick to stand to his feet and pull his cousin into his embrace, letting her cry into his chest. 

Her and Roman may not have been official but that didn't mean that she didn't care for him like he was her boyfriend. From the time they'd spent together and the various phone calls and text messages they'd shared, she'd grown attached to him - he became like a drug that she couldn't get enough of. They were certainly heading in the direction of a relationship but now that wasn't meant to be and her heart felt like it had shattered. He was gone and he would never come back. They'd never get a chance to see how being a couple would have played out - they'd never see where being together would take them. Would they have gotten married? Started a family? No one would ever know now. 

Devonte guided his cousin to Andre who led her to his private office before sitting down with Calogero again. He was even more angry now but was able to keep himself composed knowing that he'd be able to let all that anger out on Antonio and all the people who were involved in this entire situation. Everyone would pay. 

"What else do you know? I want to know everything. Alexis is torn up over this and I'll do what I have to do to take out the people that did this, as well as help you get Gianna back. She doesn't deserve this and Roman didn't deserve what happened to him either."

Calogero couldn't help but notice the twinkle in Von's eye when he mentioned Gianna. He wasn't aware of anything that had happened with the two but he could tell there was something there. It wasn't his business though and unlike other people, he was going to mind his own.

"Well truthfully I don't know a whole lot."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not involved with the mafia things, really only my uncle and brother are. I choose not to be apart of that life, respectfully. It's not for me but that doesn't mean I won't jump in when I have to and this is one of those times. Gianna is a little sister in my eyes and I don't want her to ever be put in harms way. I've been trained just like everyone else and I'll do what I have to do."

Devonte nodded. "I can respect that. My little brother is kind of the same, on the fence at the moment but invested when it counts. I take it your people are on their way?"

"Yes, they only just left though. I'm not sure if those people will leave that location in between the hours that it would take for my people to land. If they do then we're screwed."

"I agree, but that won't happen. I have a whole army of men here that are ready for anything. All I have to do is say the word. You remember how to get to the place?"


"Good. I'll send five men with you, they'll scope the area out for us and secure the perimeter. They can be our eyes to see if there's any movement." 

Calogero sighed. "The idea works for me but I don't know how uncle Mateo would feel about it. I mean, I know of your crew and your family, I know there's been beef between the two."

Perfect Fit | August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now