X Amity X

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Killua Zoldyck hated school. 

Waking up so early in the morning just to go to hell (he was exaggerating a bit, of course...) AND surrounded by a bunch of annoying teachers and smelly teenagers did not seem appealing to him. There was absolutely no way he was going to go through 3 years of this horrid place, no matter what his parents said. But since when was he allowed to make decisions on his own?

Ah, if only they'd forced him in there for the sake of getting a proper education. No, it was much more bothersome. He was assigned a frustrating mission, a test to see if he was suitable for the position of becoming a professional assassin. A position he didn't even care to obtain in the first place.

'Assassinate the traitor.' The order was simple. And it would've been easier if they'd just given him a name. But nope, he had to attend school until he could figure out who the victim was, and who knew how long that would take? He had come up with an idea at first; just kill everyone in the school, it would only take him a few minutes, no biggie, and surely whoever it was would be among the pile of the dead. 

But unfortunately, he wasn't allowed. He had been given strict instructions to not killing anyone in the school unless it was the traitor (it's not like he was going to do it anyway; taking a kid's life wasn't part of his to-do list). However, he had to resist the urge to take out a teacher's head every time they called on him to answer a question, when he clearly wasn't paying attention. 

That wasn't the only thing getting on his nerves. 

Killua threw his alarm clock across the wall that just kept ringing provokingly at him and finally climbed off his bed, angry at the object for disrupting his cherished sleep. 

'Maybe I should've gone to bed early,' the boy thought to himself, recalling his intense gaming last night. He was really starting to treasure his weekends. 

Looking over at the broken clock and realizing how late he was going to be, Killua immediately rushed to the bathroom to freshen up, making note of replacing his alarm clock for the 20th time this month. Maybe he could just order one made up of pure iron? At least then it'll force him to get up from bed.

The boy went on with his daily morning routine; brush his teeth, take a shower if he had time (usually never), wear something comfortable, retrieve his backpack and grab something quick to eat on the run. He didn't bother informing anybody that he was leaving; they were either asleep, at work, or in Milluki's case, gaming till the birds started chirping. 

Killua hurriedly hopped on a city bus, not wanting to waste any more time. He ate his blueberry muffin in silence, finishing it all in seconds. Growing a bit bored, he wore his earbuds and listened to some music the whole ride.

After reaching the dreaded place, he climbed out the bus with a sigh and walked in, only to be met with the usual stares. He couldn't believe he had actually been (a little) excited once, to be here on the first day and potentially become acquainted with some of the people here. He was sorely mistaken the minute he had said his name in front of the class and was met with either scared/disgusted looks or admiring stares of people that looked like they were going to kiss the floor he walked on. 

So, this was highschool. Hell. Being slapped around in one of the dungeons in his family's house had to be better than this. He really wished he could go back 'home', at least for the time being. Since Illumi was away working on a long mission, it should be way better than here. 

Killua managed to quickly get to his classroom and sit down on his own desk, located near the window. At least the seating wasn't too bad for this period, and nobody ever sat beside him, thankfully (and that was mainly because he glared at every single kid who got just two meters away close to him). 

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