X Change of Scenery X

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A/N: Here's an update!! I actually wanted to post this during the break but I got caught up and now that I have school, I'm a bit busy :(( But nonetheless, I loveeeeeeee biology it's so interesting!!


One day. It literally took just one day for Gon to cloud his mind. He didn't know why that was, and in all honesty, he hated having to think about someone that wasn't the victim of his job, but a friend.

Killua, however, remained doubtful. Yes, the boy had told him that they were now considered friends but did he actually mean it? And would he change his mind later on after learning about his background from the other students? What if he decided to end their friendship tomorrow, would he be okay with it?

After realizing that overthinking was never going to answer his concerns, Killua sighed and rolled over to the other side of his large bed. Never mind, he'll deal with it tomorrow. If Gon already changed his mind, he would just continue his life like normal, as if the boy was never there. Surely the teacher wouldn't mind moving his seat far away from him. 

Plus, he had other stuff to think about, like completing his mission. He didn't come to school to play and make friends; he was serious in his work. Maybe then Illumi would stop pestering him about becoming 'the perfect assassin' and actually have a little faith in him, like going out alone without a babysitter. 

It was starting to get annoying when Illumi would stalk him whenever he was assigned to do something, as if he would attempt to 'run away.' If he wanted to, he would've just left the house already and never returned. But then again, he was already planning on doing so after finishing this last mission. Nobody will be able to stop him now. 

Killua eventually fell asleep, dreaming about his new life outside his 'home'. And for some reason, he didn't look alone. He couldn't tell who intruded in his dream but it was nice.

He forgot about it in the morning. 


New day. Same routine. Killua grudgingly got up, ate breakfast, and arrived at school sleep-deprived. He was really starting to dislike this new routine of his. Waking up early for this wasn't worth it. 

The boy walked to class, his notebooks and binder in hand. He was met with the typical stares and whispers. This time, he was ready to hear just more than the usual boring rumors about him. Those rats from yesterday won't keep their mouth shut, that's for sure. 

But that's exactly what he wanted from them. 

He had a feeling that whoever opened the doors for those teens yesterday definitely had to be the guy his parents wanted. And if not it, he must know something. Killua knew he wasn't going to be left empty-handed after that 'fight'.  He also made a mental note to have a chat with John over who let them in. He was going to get that information one way or another, or he wasn't a Zoldyck. 

Entering one of his now most liked classes, he looked around, hoping to see he hadn't imagined the whole scene yesterday. After all, he'd been caught daydreaming a lot in school. 

But thankfully, that wasn't the case. The boy was still here, the seat next to his, chatting with a bunch of random students. He looked to be happy; scratch that, he hasn't known Gon for long, but he always seemed to be smiling yesterday. Usually, people in his place would be pretty nervous and sometimes upset to be the new student with all the complicated classes and teachers. But nope, Gon remained excited throughout the whole day, even though Killua could tell the boy was struggling in his courses already. 

Killua raised his arm, hoping to give a small wave or even say something. But he stopped himself, last night's thoughts coming to haunt him. What if Gon ignored him? Or worse, admitted they were never friends and laughed at him?

Stay With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora