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Lies. That's what your entire life was built on. Of course that was unknown to you, but your parents knew as bright as day, that they will never be able to be truthful law abiding citizens. And that was their down fall, too bad they dragged you down with them.

Your home, if you could even call it that, was a dreary place. Unlike all the other houses in the neighborhood, yours was the coldest. The house felt like it was almost uninhabited. Your parents were barely home, so this place was mostly yours. You cooked, you cleaned, and you were all by yourself.

You were unsure why your parents were always so distant. They always seemed like the ground was going to swallow them whole, or that their shadows would suddenly come to life and drag them to hell. Overall they seemed paranoid, well, if you were any other person.

But to you they looked more guilty than anxious. They were always on the run to somewhere. Not that it matters anymore, you barely talk. Or keep in touch.

Yep, after living in that poor excuse of a home you finally moved out. You went to college, and got a part time job for a small source of income on the side. A small cozy apartment that made you feel all warm and tingly inside, was where you resided and remain. It was bright, warm, and cozy.

Just like a home should be.

Overall things were much more brighter for you. Hell you even made a friend. But of course all good things for you don't end well. Not even two months after moving out and started working, your parents were asking you for money.

Now they were your parents but there was only so much affection you held for them. Their absence in your life may have been one of the reasons, but you still felt obligated to provide for them as they did you. That was until the sum of money they asked for began to heavily increase.

There was only so much you could spare to give, it's not like you were making a bunch of money either. So when one day they asked for the large sum of $5,000 dollars, you had to say "no". $5,000 was your pay check times two.

Your parents did not take well to this news. Something about how "you've forsaken them unless you give them money", and "you being an ungrateful spoilt daughter". Yeah you also didn't take well to this.

You cut all ties off with them. You changed your phone number and didn't contact them. They tried to contact you several times, calling almost every thirty minutes or so, but you ignored it. You almost felt bad, but you knew it was for the better.

That was until the calls just stopped one day. No more calls, no more texts, nothing. It made you worry more than you would have liked to admit. Sighing, you finally called them back only for them to not pick up the phone.

Now you were really worried. They always picked up your calls after a fight to get you to apologise. Them not picking up means something has happened to where they couldn't pick up the phone. You immediately got up and grabbed your keys.

Shoving your feet in your worn down sneakers, you huridly opened and locked your apartment door. Running down the stairs, you practically threw yourself in your rental car.

Stepping on the accelerator, you sped down the highway towards your parents house. Once reaching the familiar neighborhood, you pressed the breaks harshly, making you almost fly forwards if there wasn't a seatbelt.

Stopping to catch your breath for a second you hurry out of your car, almost forgetting to lock it. You ran to the front porch and saw that the lights were not on, and both your parents cars were not parked outside. A feeling of dread began to take place in your stomach.

They always stay home on Saturdays.

You walked up to the door to knock on it, only for the door to push open as soon as your first made contact with it. It was unlocked. Your parents never leave the door unlocked. With them being paranoid all the time, they wouldn't have made this kind of mistake.

"Oh shit." You muttered panicked.

Grabbing your phone, you had 911 ready on speed dial. Cautiously, you opened the door and peered inside.

'Holy crap. There's been a break in.'

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