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«Hate It Here»

You awakened to the feeling of that one specific turn that meant you were home. Honestly you were confused at first, bleary-eyed and questioning where you were right now and how you got here.

You rubbed your eyes gently trying to clear up your blurry vision. You could hear the hum of the car pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex. Yawning softly, you tried to get up from your sitting/curled up position but you found yourself stuck.

"Hm?" You sighed out in confusion. Oh, seatbelt.

"I see you're up Princess. Did you enjoy your nap?" A deep voice said to the left of you.

"Mhm." You hummed in response while sitting up in the cars leather seats.

Wait a minute. You didn't have a car. Then how the fuc- oh wait. Aw, shit it wasn't a dream. Also, why the fuck were you getting domestic with you're captor? Like, the fuck!?

"Mmm, thanks for the ride Mr. Mafia Ma-, I mean Sir. Can we please go now?" You asked softly still trying to wake up.

He nodded while looking at his watch. Tch, he had a meeting. But he guessed he could postpone it to another day, it's not like anyone could defy him anyways. Or hold him accountable.

Both of you opened the car doors while you unbuckled your seatbelt. Wait, did he not drive with a seatbelt? Bruhé, he's gonna end up dying one day. Welp, that's good for you in a way, right?

Anyways, you got out of the car with ease and gently closed the door shut. And with a few pressed buttons the car was locked and you were lazily making your way to your apartment. Of course with Mr. Chenheuyl following behind you.

Ugh. Can you not get a single fucking break or is this how it gonna be for the rest of your life?

Sighing, you brought out the keys from your backpack and proceed to open the door to your room. Finally, all the shit in your life could be cleared up and you would finally be filled in on what happened to your parents. Then you could finally take a break. Maybe you could just chill or cook; hell probably even play some video games with your online buddies?

Wait. Oh shit you have a campaign you were supposed to join! You sunk in defeat. You were most definitely going to have to cancel. So with a heavy heart, you pulled out your dingy iphone 6 and made a few texts. Thankfully your online friends were understanding and made no big deal about it.

"You done there?" Mr. Chenheuyl spoke from where he was standing in your room.

"You know, you have caused me a crap ton of inconveniences. So please, cut to the chase." You said sternly, gaining a sense of seriousness.

In all honesty you wanted him gone. Out of your apartment, out of your college, and especially out of your life. Even if that means leaving behind the golden opportunity of working at his company.

"Sassy now are we? I'll humor you just this once if you think you're going to get away with speaking to me like that. So watch your mouth Princess." He said looking down at you amused.

Again, a shiver when down your spine. GOD DAMNIT! Why does it have to sound hot when he says demeaning shit! Bruhé. Huffing you decided to move the conversation along.

"Just start taking." You groaned out.

You moved a few steps to put more distance between yourselves and so that you could lean on the small kitchen counter. Crossing your arms you stood ready for his bomb drop.

"Well long story short your parents borrowed a huge amount of money from my father's private intrests several years back. Recently they've been very behind on their payments and we've lost contact." He said boredom lacing his voice.

What? Your parents borrowed money from the god damn mafia. Are you fucking kidding! Trying to mask any suprise or anger you tried to hold a straight face while he continued.

"Of course you can see the problem with them not paying their debt. And unfortunately for you, in their last attempt to flee and discharge their debt they offered something in return. Something I'm sure my old man would have declined due to its "inhumanity". Quite ironic coming from a mafia boss right?" He said with mirth.

You were almost sure what direction this was headed in but you couldn't believe it. Besides, if he's insinuating what you think he's insinuating then you're practically fucked.

"But that's besides the point. But, could you believe my suprise when they contacted me a week ago saying how their dear old daughter would be on the table as payment. I thought about accepting the offer and killing them anyways, until I saw just who they were talking about."

No. No, no, no, no, no. Come on! Your parents were pretty shitty but they wouldn't give you up like a sacrificial lamb. Right? That shit only happens in crappy fanfictions and trashy cliché romance movies! Right!?

But, as much as you wanted to think that your 'parents' wouldn't screw you over to save their own asses, you couldn't put it past them. That's just how they were; selfish, greedy, unloving, and major assholes.

"You could imagine both my delight and suprise when I found out my payment was the same girl I ran into at their house." He said grinning loftily.

You knew your parents were bad but this- this hurt. You weren't naive enough to think that they wouldn't demand your money or take advantage of you, but selling you! For a mistake and consequence they made and now have to face; that was just cruel. Deep down, you just really wanted to believe that they had a fragment of love for you.

You guessed you were wrong.

"So what now, huh!? I did not fucking agree to this. If anything I don't give two shits what happens to them anymore! Kill them for all I care, just leave me the fuck alone alright!!!" You yelled holding back tears.

You were only greeted by silence.

You were upset. More than upset. You were fucking livid. But most of all you were heartbroken. How many times have the people you loved or wanted to love leave you in the dumps? Too many to count.

You really, really wanted to cry. There's been too much going on at the same time for you to be "okay". Too many drastic changes, too many things to worry about. You just wanted a break. That's why you moved out in the first place.

But you were not going to cry like an idiot in front of the guy you were sold too. Sure he hasn't necessarily hurt you, but he's threatened you. If you don't comply what stops him from killing you, or worse.

But then again you weren't the strongest when it came to things like that. There was only so much you could take in one day. So doing the best you could, you were holding it together for the next few minutes while you kicked the other asshole out of your apartment.

You shakily exhaled.

"Just get o-out. I don't want to deal with this right now." You said voice clearly wavering.

To your suprise he didn't say anything. He just watched as he followed you leading him to the door. In a sense he didn't care. He's killed before, he's spilt families apart, he's done unimaginable harm to so many people. But the sight of your glassy eyes were new to him.

Maybe it was the fact that he's only seen the snarky and outward display of your personality. Seeing you on the verge of tears though is new to him in the short time you've spent together. It was uncomfortable to watch in all honesty.

But at least you were his.

Besides, he knew you would be up and kicking in no time. He just hoped it was soon.

And with that he left. You slammed the door shut after him and locked it. Finally the long awaited tears could fall, but you knew that the ice cream in your fridge would be waiting for you once you were done.

What a bitter-sweet way to end the day.

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