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« Gonna Spoil You Filthy »

A few more minutes of jamming and talking in his limo, you decided that Mr. Chenheuyl wasn't so bad.

Was he devilishly cocky? Yes.

Was he a painstaking tease? Yes.

Was he sinfully handsome? Absolutely.

But you found yourself enjoying his presence more and more. Of course you still haven't forgotten he was a multi billionaire and mafia boss. However, you've come to term with the situation and have realized Mr. Chenheuyl "doesn't even want to kill you" (anymore). His words not mine.

The car ride came to an end however as you both reached Mr. Chenheuyl's destination. You guys were near the richer and well off side of the city/town. The private parking garage the limo was situated in leading to a mall entrance, away from the public's eyes.

Oh yeah. This bitch is famous. And with that he signaled the chauffeur to open the door for you two. Right on cue the door opened and you both exited the limo. Saying a quick but sincere "thank you" to the chauffeur, you looked at the supposed "mall" infront of you.

Bruhé this wasn't a mall, it was a whole dang castle. At least it looked like it. You could see a mall integrated into the architecture of the "castle". Outside and along the premises of the "castle mall" you could see aesthetic perimeters with many restaurants. In all, you've never felt more poor in your life.

"What am I even looking at?" You asked.

"You are looking at the Castello dell'amore mall. It was ruins of a small castle that was once considered a "historical site" but was going to be demolished due to the need for more business. So, I bought the plot of land and constructed a mall." He explained casually.


"Wow, I knew you were rich but not that rich. Wait a damn minute, does the mall have a "bougie" Great American Cookies store? You rich people still eat that right?" You asked again excitedly.

"Princess, what the hell is a "Great American Cookies store"?" He questioned with bewilderment.

Ight, that's it. You've never felt more betrayed in your life. Well, actually that was a lie, but anyways-

"You've never had a Great American Cookies cookie!?" You yelled in shock.

He just shook his head amused.

"Alright, you may be rich but you clearly need to be enlightened. I don't care what you say, but we are gonna go to one after this, okay? Your bitch ass is welcome in advance." You said a tad bit more commanding.

Clearly you should've checked your tone cause next thing you know, you were pressed flush against Mr. Chenheuyl's chest. The softness of his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. You froze.

"Princess, what have I told you about raising your voice towards me and name calling me? I really don't want to punish you, but I will if I have to." He said, whispering in your ear.

You let out an embarrassing whimper, and your face grew hot. A new feeling fluttering in your stomach. Well that escalated real quick.

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