The Deadly Weekend

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"Veronica are you up yet? "Said Veronica's foster mom, "yes I am up Mom" said Veronica. "Well come down here you won't believe what happen Yesterday".  As Veronica walked down the stairs she was a bit curious about what happen. When she enter the room and she looked at the television screen the News report said that on the other side of Orange County there was an attack on the school bus and only one girl survived but was laying in the hospital.

 "Oh My Goodness mom what happen?" said Veronica. "There was a shooting on the school bus a few cities away as you know orange county is pretty big, but they want to make sure that all the students get a mental rest so there is no school for three days in orange county." Said Mom. "No school!" Veronica said smiling."

 I feel bad for everything that has happen to these kids and that one girl that has to live with the memory but I am so glad I don't have to go to school. I can go back to bed. Goodnight mom." said Veronica  "Hold on right there sherlock" said mom. 

 "Yes mom what's up?" Veronica asked. "I need you to run to the store real quick." Said mom.  "Do I have to ?

 "Veronica said. Then her mom stared at her like a death stare into her dark black eyes like a black hole you could never get out of.  A bit scared Veronica agreed and went on her way. On her way to the supermarket Veronica realized that someone was following her. Man I really wish I took that self defense class mom suggested thought Veronica. Veronica began to speed up so did her stalker. 

She began to run really fast, Veronica was searching every for her phone but she forgot it in her room. The stalker caught up with Veronica and held on to her hand really tight. The stalker was tall and muscular with red hair he was wearing a Blue jacket and black shorts, he covered his face with this creepy clown mask that made you feel like something was crawling up your back but you could see his eyes. 

The were red and that was the scary part. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" said Veronica. The stalker said so coldly "I want you and your sister dead." " I don't have a sister "she said with a shake in her voice." I don't have time to play with you" he said as he took out a gun. Frozen in fear Veronica didn't move an inch. 

The stalker put the gun on her forehead. The gun was cold and hard. Faced with death Veronica did the only thing she knew how to do..... run. Before the stalker had a chance to pull the trigger, Veronica kicked him in the forbidden spot, and ran.

 She knew the stalker was following her so she ran to the supermarket where there were a lot of people. She entered the supermarket looking frantically for a phone, the stalker was right behind her. The stalker getting impatient held up the gun as he followed Veronica. When the bystanders saw this everyone began to scream. The stalker pulled the trigger aiming at Veronica's upper back. 

As the bullet was traveling in the air heading straight to Veronica in the mist of the chaos and people running around, A grown man ran in font of the bullet and died. The power of the bullet was so strong that it entered the man but was still going as the bullet was going down it went threw Veronica's left foot, she fell but was fighting to get away so she began to crawl the blood dripping down her foot and making a little blood path as she crawled. 

The stalker determined to kill her hold up the gun and his finger was on the trigger. Veronica saw this and said" You don't want to kill me now because my birthday is in two days, right?" The Stalker said" that just gives me reason to kill you more." The stalker pulled the trigger the bullet flew, Veronica closed her eyes and braced for impact. 

Now she felt cold and her eyes where getting blurry she can see the stalker walking away, then the police came and everything went black. She didn't know if she was dead but she could hear the police and sirens and people talking. She didn't care though, because someone wanted to kill her and she knew this was no accident, but there was another thing she couldn't figure out... did she really have sister she didn't know about or was that crazy guy just full of it. 

To be continued.....

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