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Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while so I thought I'd let you guys know why.

I've kinda fallen out of the BNHA fandom, sure I still love the fanart and I'll occasionally read Twitter au's from time to time,  but I don't have as big of a passion for it as I did when I started this book, which led to my inspiration for this fic to basically die.

I know a lot of you guys liked this book and have been waiting a while for an update and I'm sorry about that,  but I'm not sure if I'll be able to continue. We're on 11,000 reads which is so crazy to me,  but I just don't have the inspiration or the drive to finish it. 

So for now this book will be put on hiatus. 

I don't want to discontinue it because I may have a sudden burst of creativity and have the urge to write and publish a new chapter.

However,  for those who are also in the MCYT fandom I've been thinking of making either a Oneshots book or a full book on an MCYT ship or an x reader book if you'd be interested in that!

And with all that addressed,  I bid you all adieu! <3<3

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