Chapter 7

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Kaminari's POV

My eyes widened when I heard what he said,  did he actually just say that?!  My cheeks became dusted with a light pink colour.  I assume that I should just go along with it since he wouldn't just lie about something like that,  he didn't seem like the type of person who would lie about something unless he really didn't want to do that specific thing.  

"Oh... I see.." She spoke,  an almost disappointed tone coming over her voice.  Strangely,  I didn't feel bad for her,  maybe that was because I didn't really like her anyway.  Once I finished paying she walked away with a completely different attitude from when she had originally been standing at the front desk.   

When we walked out of the cafe I could see Shinsou ease up,  I decided to say something now because he was less stressed and because we were out of the building. "Soooo... I'm your boyfriend now huh?" I teased,  elbowing him in the side playfully before continuing to walk back towards our workplaces again.  

"Look,   I just didn't want to give her my number... it was the only solution I could think of.." He spoke,  putting a hand on his neck as he looked away slightly.  He seemed almost embarrassed that he had to say that,  but not in a 'I'd never date you way',  or at least I didn't think he meant it like that,  it was in a 'that situation was a nightmare' kinda way... I think.  

"Mhmmm alright,  if you say so~" I rolled my eyes sarcastically,  almost making fun of him for it,  although I didn't mind it to be honest. 

"Hey!  If you were in my situation you probably would've said the same thing!" He stated,  shooting his gaze back to me as his arm also shot down to his side.  

"I would've left it at "I'm gay" to be honest." I spoke,  running my hand through the hair on the side of my head.  "Speaking of the "I'm gay" thing,  are you?"  I honestly assumed that he was straight and bluffing being gay,  but it did peak my curiosity,  do I actually have somewhat of a chance with him.  

"Yeah.. uhh... yeah I am.." He spoke,  looking slightly away again.

"Cool!  I'm Bi,  by the way."  I smiled,  he looked back to me,  but this time he seemed surprised by my statement,  which kinda confused me since I had never really been subtle about my sexuality,  nor was I secretive about it.  

"You are?  Jeez I thought you were straight."  He almost sounded relieved when he said that.  

"Yeah,  I thought I was being kinda obvious about it." I spoke,  putting a hand on my neck. 

"Well apparently I didn't notice it." He joked.  "That was fun.." He smiled slightly. 

"Yeah it was!" I spoke,  then I had a thought.  "Hey!  My friends and I were going to go to a fair on Halloween and dress up for it! Do you wanna join?"  I asked.  

"I mean I don't really like dressing up for things but... sure." He accepted,  and I got really excited about it.

"Great!  We're all gonna look for costumes in like two weeks at the nearby mall if you wanna find one with us?"  I spoke,  this was going to be my chance!  Maybe... I honestly still don't know if I actually like him or if I just wanna be close friends with him,  but hopefully I will by Halloween! 

"I mean I already agreed to go to the fair with you guys so its kind of a given that I'd go look for costumes with you." He said.  

"Great! I gotta go home now so.. Bye!" I said,  waving to him before crossing to the other side of the street.  

Shinsou's POV

Well fuck now I have to wait two weeks whole weeks,  and then wait two more weeks until I actually go to the fair with Kaminari. These are gonna be four long ass weeks...

A/N: 666 words (hehe satan lmao) I know this chapter is short but I've been quite busy with school work and other things and I've been struggling with Ideas for this, but I'll try to get back on schedule with this again.  love y'all byeee!

"Oh... Uhhh.. Hey?" | | | ShinkamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora