Chapter 11

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Shinsou's POV

And I woke up.

I looked around, slightly confused. I had forgotten where I was for a moment before I had looked to my left and saw Kaminari leaning against me with his arms wrapped around my waist, he was asleep but it still made me panic. How did I even get into this situation?! Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?!?! I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream, after feeling the pain and, after being reassured that this wasn't a dream I remembered how I got into this situation.

This realization gave me a slight sense of relief and I sighed.

I took out my phone to check the time, it read 1:26am and it was too early to just stay awake for the rest of the night so I decided to just go back to sleep. My eyelids began to feel heavy and I chose to give into the exhaustion due to my regular lack of sleep, my vision went slightly blurry, letting myself be consumed by the darkness as I fell asleep once more.

Kaminari's POV

I woke up,  I didn't have a dream exactly so it just felt like I had skipped forward in time as if I were in a video game.  I looked around,  Shinsou was still asleep so I had to make sure I didn't wake him up because I didn't want to ruin his sleep,  since he always looked like he got an average of like 2 hours of sleep,  if any at all.

The situation did make me panic a little bit because 1. We basically cuddled and 2. It's Shinsou.

The reason I woke up was because I kept getting vibrations from my phone, which was probably from the Bakusquad group chat.

I was wondering what time it was since it was still dark outside but it couldn't be any earlier than 6:30am because the sun would have been beginning to rise at that point. 

I took out my phone to see what time,  and day it was because to be honest his concept of time is dead right now,  it was Monday, October 12th, 4:18am.  I let out a sigh of relief when I learned that it wasn't past 7am since we'd have to rush to get ready for work. 

Since I already had my phone I decided to check who had been texting me.  I put in my phone password and saw that it was Mina,  Jirou,  Kirishima and Sero in the group chat.  They were just talking about random things. 

I decided to take the opportunity of Shinsou being asleep and went into the camera on my phone, turning it into selfie mode before extending my arm out and taking a photo of us before send it to the group chat.

I knew that none of them would actually be awake at this time, except Bakugo because for some reason he thinks getting up 5:30am is a normal thing to do.

I realized my mistake of sending the photo to the chat because now Sero and Mina will probably bug me about it now and that's gonna be insanely annoying, crap.

I still felt quite tired, maybe.. maybe I should just.... go back.. to sleep...

[This is the new time skip/intermission line]

I woke up again, taking my phone and looking at the time 7:24am. "Crap!!" I yelled, unintentionally waking up Shinsou who was severely confused as to why I had yelled.

"..What? What's wrong??" He asked with a confused and tired tone. I got off the bed, opening my closet and grabbing some random clothes.

"IT'S ALMOST 7:30!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!" I spoke, I took off the hoodie and the shirt I had worn underneath it, changing my shirt, although I didn't make the effort of getting a different hoodie and instead I just put Shinsou's hoodie back on before I changed my pants.

"OH SHIT!! What do I do?!?! I don't have any clothes to change into!!" He spoke, he began panicking as well as he got off the bed.

"I don't know!!! Just grab something random from my closet!" I suggested. He grabbed a random black t-shirt, and a yellow hoodie, I assume he decided to keep on his current pants since it didn't seem like they were different and I had somehow managed to keep myself from looking at him while he got changed.

I grabbed the bag I usually take to work along with a cable and my phone. My keys were already in the bag so I didn't have to grab those. Shinsou got his stuff before I grabbed him by the wrist and went out the door.

I locked it behind me of course before proceeding to run down the hall and down the stairs of the apartment building and sprinting down the street while I still had a good hold on his wrist.

Shinsou's POV

When Kaminari was changing I had accidentally looked over and got a small glimpse of... him.. like... that.. I don't know how to explain it but like alshdhfjektjfj.

On a similar note I now felt extremely flustered because A. I saw him partially shirtless and B. The fact that we fell asleep together last night and he is now dragging me. Why must I feel this way... ugh.

We got there, actually quite fast considering I am absolutely not the best runner and now my legs hurt so much. I just stood in front of the tattoo parlour to catch my breath, for some reason Denki didn't let go of my wrist so I just let him.

"Are we late?" I asked, I hadn't even gotten the chance to brush my hair before we left so it looked like an absolute mess of purple. Denki's hair was quite similar in the fact that it was also a mess golden hair, but it didn't look bad on him as it did me.

"No, I don't think so lemme check." He spoke, taking out his phone and checking the time. "No we're not, it's 7:58, we're safe." He reassured with a smile, I smiled softly back.

I then heard the door of the parlour open before hearing a familiar voice.

"Not dating my ass."

A/N:1047 words, I'm working on the new fic so I hope y'all will like it! Please look out for that one, it's gonna come out later this week. Anyway, love y'all!! Hope you have a good day! ( ˘ ³˘) ~ ♥


"Oh... Uhhh.. Hey?" | | | ShinkamiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ