Chapter 2

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Shinsou's POV

'No Shinsou!!  You know what happened last time you got a crush on someone? It ended badly!' I tried to shake the thoughts out of my mind.  I can't just not acknowledge his existence,  I already made eye contact with him.  I decided to just wave to him instead before I walked into the Tattoo parlour.

Kaminari's POV

When I finally got to work I saw purple haired male across the street and smiled at him,  I've seen him a few times,  since I usually just stare out the window when I'm bored,  which happens often. I'm not a stalker or anything! I just get bored very easily. When he waved I waved back happily, when he went inside I got kinda sad,  I wanted to talk to him, and get to know him, but I'd probably end up saying something stupid or something wrong and he'd end up thinking I'm weird.

Whatever I should probably just get to work. I walked into the flower shop to see Mina and Sero sitting there and he already knew what was going to happen.

"Soooo." Mina started, looking him with that look, the same one that she had when Kirishima would talk to Bakugo at the Starbucks. 'Oh no' I thought, she was going to say something about how he had a crush on that purple haired boy or something.

"No." I spoke simply.

"C'mon dude!  You can't deny it!! You literally stare at him through that window every day!" Sero stated

"That's because I'm bored! I don't even know his name!" I argued, sure I though he was attractive, but that doesn't mean I have a crush on him.

"Maybe we should change that!" Mina suggested. I wiped my head to the left to look at her with wide eyes.

"No!! That'd go horribly! You both know how bad I am at talking to new people!" I wasn't lying, I did have trouble talking to people, even though I seem like an extremely extroverted person. That's besides the point though, Mina was now trying to drag me out of the flower shop so she could go to the hair dresser where she worked and curl my hair.

"Just let me do your hair for once!!" She complained, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Ughhhhh fine... but don't take too long, I got here earlier than usual so I have 30 minutes until my shift starts." I said, I couldn't say no to her puppy dog eyes, that would almost be illegal.

Mina took ahold of my arm and began to drag me down the street towards the hairdresser with Sero behind us trying to keep up with Mina and I.

When we got there she almost shoved me into a chair, taking out the curling iron immediately, and I knew I had made a mistake. She plugged it in and let it sit for a while.

"This is gonna be perfect to impress that purple haired boy you keep staring at with." Mina spoke with a giggle. I turned to look at her.

"Oh no! Nonononono! I don't even know if I like him Mina!!" I state.

"Unimportant. You're gonna impress him anyway!" She said, disregarding what I said completely.

"Dude you're gonna look amazing, Mina is like the best hairdresser in this section of the city!!" Sero said encouragingly.

"That's not what I'm worried about, I know she's amazing, I'm worried about the fact that I'm being forced to impress a guy that I don't even know if I have a crush on and don't even know the name of!!!" I exclaimed, growing frustrated. I felt my face begin to get warm, why? I'm not even that mad, no I'm upset. I almost felt my eyes grow watery without any tears forming in my eyes. 'Goddamnit...' I thought 'why do I have to be like this'

"Look Kami, having a good first impression never hurt anyone!" Mina spoke, she knows how I am so she didn't raise her voice louder than me, but she also didn't make her voice extremely quiet, that's why I'm thankful that I have someone as understanding as her in my life.

"I know, I know, it's just that I feel like this is gonna be a little too much." I spoke.

Mina picked up the curling iron "It's ready!" She said, taking the lightning bold clip out of my hair before beginning to actually curl it. She took a strand of my hair, wrapping it around the curling iron and let it sit there for a good few seconds before taking it out, leaving a perfect ringlet. She did this multiple times until all of my hair was curled. When she was done with that she told me to close my eyes, mouth and nose before she took a hairspray bottle and practically doused my hair in it. She then separated a few curls, clipping the lightning bolt back into my hair before turning me back around to face the mirror. "Perfect isn't it?" She said. I just stared at myself, I loved it, it looked amazing.

"It's.. amazing Mina thank you!!" I spoke happily, playing with the curls a bit before standing up.

"Now it's time for you to go introduce yourself to that purple haired dude!!" Sero said as Mina came up behind me and practically pushed me out the door.

She ended up dragging me the whole way to the Tattoo parlour. "Wait but what am I gonna do when I get there??" I ask her. "Do I ask for a Tattoo or just talk to him???" I began to get anxious.

"Just say hi and introduce yourself as the guy from the flower shop across the street! I'm sure you'll do fine!" Mina spoke, a reassuring smile on her face as she looked at me before she pushed me into the Parlour.

Shinsou's POV

I looked up from the front desk to see the golden haired boy from this morning, how did he manage to look even more attractive with curly hair? 'Snap out of it Shinsou! I don't need any friends, nor do I want any!' I thought, although the other boy's new hair style did make him very attractive. The golden haired boy walked up to me, he seemed nervous but I wouldn't put it past him

"Hi! I'm Kaminari Denki! What's your name?"

A/N: 1068 words!! Also take another cliffhanger because I can do what I want and I'm not limiting myself by societies rules!! I also wrote these two chapters real fast and I feel like god

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