Chapter 52: Birthday

Start from the beginning

        "Well, I know you're dying to call Kara, so you're free," he joked while picking up the plates from the counter. I grinned at him while closing the case and lifting it by the handle. I kissed his cheek as he reached for the cake, sliding out the back door and towads my room. It was getting later, and the sun was setting over the trees.

        I set the guitar on my bed, and grabbed my new computer from my cousins. It was my graduation present from my aunts and uncles. They all pooled their money together and got me a MacBook Pro for school. It was awesome, really. My old laptop was slowly dying, I'd had it for so long.

        I flipped open the screen, pushing the power button and waiting for it to turn on. I ran my fingers through my hair, allowing my screen to load as I pulled my guitar from its case. I took the strap, hooking it to the pins, fixing it to the length I wanted it to be.

        A few days ago, Kara told me she had a Skype. I downloaded it this morning when she told me she wanted to wish me a happy birthday. I was hoping the guys would be around, maybe even Alex. He hadn't texted me a happy birthday yet, and I was trying not to let it bug me.

        I shook my head, pulling up the website with my guitar in front of me. The laptop was on my pillows and I leaned backagainst my headboard. I leaned over the guitar, placing my fingers over the guitar as I waited for Kara's request to chat. She told me she'd be on at 7. It was 6:50. I tuned the guitar the way Alex had showed me a few weeks before he left.

        I was playing with the chords when my computer sounded. I jumped at the noise, seeing Kara's name appear across the screen with a request. I glanced at the time, 6:58, she was early.

        I hit 'accept' and smiled brightly when I saw her face in front of me. She was in a dimmed room, and by the lack of movement, I assumed she was waiting on the bus for the boys to be done with another show.

        "Kara!" I smiled, waving once. She waved back, skin really tan. She had been outside every single day; it didn't surprise me at all. I felt more pale than normal just by looking at her.

        "Whoa, where'd that come from?" Kara laughed, pointing at the guitar. I shrugged, gripping it tighter for a moment before taking it off and setting it on the floor.

        "Dad bought it for me."

        "Jim is so cute! Happy birthday, love! Eitghteen, just like the rest of us," she smiled, yelping in celebration. I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through my hair.

        "Good, the boys have been doing a shit load of interviews lately. If their crowd gets any bigger, they're moving to a bigger stage," she nodded, seeming proud. I nodded too, waiting for her to talk again. "They've been hanging out with the guys from Boys Like Girls a lot, Set Your Goals, The Maine, and Forever the Sickest Kids."

        "It's good to see they're playing nice and making friends," I teased and she laughed, nodding her head. "How're you holding up?"

        "It's not too bad. I really like watching the sets. It's fun," she shrugged happily. "I could do without the early mornings and bumpy roads, though," she sighed. I felt bad that they couldn't afford hotels yet. They were working so hard just to pay off the bus company right now. They couldn't spare money for a hotel.

        "Oh, and Alex dyed his hair!" she snapped her finger with a smile. "He has blonde in it now. It's not too different, it looks good."

        "Why'd he dye it?" I laughed at the thought lightly, unsure of how it would look. It couldn't be too bad, if he just added blonde.

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