Drug Deals & Mob Bosses

Start from the beginning

The theater was easy to navigate around, and I walked through the alley way between it and an old shoe store that closed down ages ago. at the end of the alley, near a dumpster, was a guy in black hoodie with a leather jacket on top. He had fingerless gloves on which was great for fingerprints. He looked at me crossed his arms with a smile.

"So you want to see the boss?"


Lucifer's POV

From the earpiece connected to Lauren, we could hear the entire conversation. Chloe, Dan and I were in a surveillance van two blocks away from the meeting sight. Despite knowing how capable Lauren was, I couldn't stop worrying that something was going to go wrong.

"What if-"

"For the last time Lucifer, she will be fine." That was the fourth time Chloe had needed to reassure me. But What if she was only going through with it because it meant saving her own daughter. She was putting my daughter in danger to save her own. Dan put a hand on my shoulder behind me.

"I'm worried about her too. But Lauren is smart. If anyone can do this, she can." We heard quiet speaking through Lauren's monitor and Chloe turned the sound up to hear.

"So you want to see the boss?"

"That's why I'm here. I have a meeting."

"Yeah I know. Does he know you're a kid?"

"Does it matter? I get the job done don't I" Silence.

"Alright. But I'll need to search you before we go inside though." Damn it.

"Alright. Hang on." The line went dead and we were met with static.

"What happened?" No answer. "Where the hell is she!"

"Lucifer I'm sure she's fine. She probably needed to take out the earpiece so she didn't get caught. She's on her own." Hell no. I wasn't leaving her with these psycho's by herself. I tried to leave but Dan put an arm across the door, preventing me from exiting the van. Fine.I'd play nice. But the moment I thought something was wrong, neither of these mortals would stand in my way.


Lauren's POV

I crunched the earpiece underneath my foot. At the guards questioning look, I elaborated.

"It's a device I use to listen into discreet conversations. Helps me know who's lookin' for drugs. But I can get another one, and I know how tight your security is." He gave me a wary glance but accepted my excuse. Sorry Dad. I would need to take this one alone. The guy pats me down and ensures that I have nothing interesting, but he smirks at the bundle of cash I have in my pocket. He tried to confiscate my gun but I stopped him.

"Hey. If something goes down, I ain't dying. Besides I know one simple hand gun is no match for the masses of weapons all the other security members hold behind those doors."

"What if you use it against the boss?" Valid argument.

"Look. I want this job. Do you know how hard it is for a sixteen year old to make money? And this is about the only thing I'm good at. This job is he best one available. I'm not about to kill the boss of this place. I would probably fail anyway, if your guys reputation is anything to go by." I give him a questioning look.

"It is."

"Alright then. So is there an issue?" He glares at me pointedly but lets me keep the gun. He gestures towards the doors and I open them before walking inside.

The room is poorly lit and it takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they do, I immediately scope out any threats. The boss guy is in the center of the room with a guard on either side, both holding machine guns. His face was shaded under a hat so I couldn't see what he looked like. I count ten more guards scattered around the rooms, and five more guarding a few dozen boxes off to the side.

"Lilly, is it?"

"Just Lil."

"How nice to finally meet you, Lil. Marcus talks very highly of you. I have looking forward to this meting." Yeah that makes one of us. "Tell me, what can you offer me in services." Here we go. No going back now.

"I'm reliable. And loyal. Not afraid to get hurt for someone important, as long as I get my troubles worth. I've also spent years convincing the police department that i'm just a lonely orphan girl who gets up to mischief and nothing else, so if i'm caught, they won't suspect a thing from me. But then again, I never get caught unless I mean to be." I couldn't see his face so it was difficult to know what he was thinking. "I have a lot of experience in this field and I am the main reason Marcus has been so successful. I may be young, but that only helps disguise what I can do."

He leaned back in his chair, hand rubbing his chin in thought.

"You give a very good case Miss Lil." He says barely loud enough for me to hear. His fingers press the wooden table and he leans forward. "How about we make an arrangement." Success.

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