Natty did not have any better ideas either. She had never seen anyone actually share their life force this way before, everything she had told Sarawat had only been her own speculations and what information that they had managed to piece together. There were undoubtedly boundaries that they should not cross in the universe, rules set for how things were supposed to work. But they had no chance of knowing about those unless they tried things, like Sarawat sharing his life force with Tine or Phukong getting that magical tattoo, each time risking to stumble upon unforeseeable consequences. It was like playing hide and seek with their eyes closed without knowing what was actually at stake.

Natty's best theory so far was that they both shared one life now – Sarawat's life. She thought that Tine was the reason for Sarawat's life essence leaking, the connection that he had established between them with that soul sucking kiss was basically still draining him of life. It had not been a one time thing as he had thought first, it was a codependency. Tine was running on borrowed time as long as Sarawat was alive, sharing his life span with him. But then what? What would happen to Tine once Sarawat was gone? Because that was certainly where it was heading off to.

The beginnings of a nasty headache throbbed at Sarawat's temples. Had everything been for nothing then? He inhaled shakily, blinking rapidly. No. He did not regret anything. Tine was worth it all, every minute and every breath, even if it was just for a short, bittersweet moment.

BAM! Crack!

Another thunder boomed just as someone suddenly banged on Sarawat's door, making him jolt out of his fatalistic thoughts. Sarawat's gaze darted to his wristwatch, it was way after midnight. What the hell.

Nonetheless he rambled over to the door and yanked it open, one hand loosely held on the handle. He staggered in his tracks abruptly, blinking owlishly as he saw who was standing outside under the blinding hallway lights.

Tine was all drenched from the pouring rain, face ghostly pale and expression eerily vacant, eyes glassy. Ebony hair was plastered against his forehead in ringlets, arms hanging limply at his sides. His t-shirt was all wet, almost see-through and plastered to his toned upper body, he had been building some muscle mass with all the exercises that he was doing. He was also wearing gray sweatpants and a pair of ugly plastic slippers, as if he had been in a hurry and just threw something on while on his way out. Sarawat frowned minutely but came quickly out of his stupor.

"Shit, don't just stand there," he said urgently, reaching out and pulling Tine inside by his icy cold upper arms. A trail of moist, earthy scent followed inside with the young man. "Let me get you something dry to wear."

Sarawat darted quickly into the bathroom to get a fluffy towel. While reaching for it on the hanger, he caught sight of his hands that were still smeared with blood. Shit. He opened the tap and washed them quickly in the faucet, letting the pinkish water swirl down the drain, casting a fleeting glance at his own haggard expression in the mirror. He exhaled. Well, nothing to about that now.

Tine was standing motionless in the middle of the room when Sarawat came back. His head was hanging low, dripping rainwater on the floor, hands loosely curled into fists against his thighs. There were reddish smears on his biceps from where Sarawat had grabbed him before. The guitarist quickly wrapped him in the big towel to cover the traces of his possibly shitty life choices.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" He asked while rubbing at Tine's wet hair, making it all messy and fluffy, proceeding to meticulously wipe the water off his long neck and then padding at his shoulders and chest to soak up the worst of the draught. The nasty storm kept roaring outside, making the lights flicker inside the room. Sarawat paused for a tiny bit, awaiting a reply.

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