CH 32

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Tine's hands shook as several confusing images rushed through his mind, like a fast rewind, colors swishing by, until they abruptly came to a stop, pulling Tine into a different reality.

It was an image – or was it a memory, Tine wondered, of Sarawat sleeping with his face squished down into a pillow, lying on his stomach. The silver light of the moon painted Sarawat's features pasty white, sharp eyebrows furrowed even in his sleep as Tine reached out a flimsy, translucent hand, trying to reach for him desperately but the space between them seemed to stretch on and on, pulling then further apart. And then it changed, suddenly Sarawat was looking at him with wide shot, inky eyes as blood dribbled sluggishly from his red mouth. An incomprehensible fear strummed through Tine's being, like a building force just before an explosion. Helplessness and anger mingled together into a poisonous concord just before he finally broke down, splintering painfully into thousands of spikes of light. And then the images stopped just as abruptly.

Tine lurched forward in his seat on the hospital bed, blinking rapidly. The cell phone still clutched in his hand slipped slowly out of his grasp, bouncing once on the mattress before clattering to the floor.

What the hell had that been?!

Swallowing down his nausea, Tine fisted his hands into the comforter covering his lap in an attempt to hold onto something real, as his heart tried to lurch out of his chest with how hard it was beating. Tine could not understand any of the things that he had just seen, all centered around the young man still staring owlishly at him by the hospital window. A chill ran down Tine's back. Well, shit. How badly had he hurt his head to hallucinate such unnerving things in broad daylight?

"What's wrong?" Sarawat asked instantly when morphing out of his own slight daze, coming to stand at Tine's bedside, one steady hand rubbing at Tine's hunched back, feeling the sharp edges of his shoulder blades. "Tine?" Sarawat probed with rising urgency.

"I-I'm fine, just a dizzy spell," Tine finally replied while trying to swallow down the ominous feeling that was rattling around his mind. Sarawat narrowed his eyes at Tine, bow shaped lips twisted, not really believing him but deciding to let it go. He fucking hoped that his life force had some lasting potency or all sacrifices would have been for nothing.

"Sure, but we're still telling about this to your doctors, just in case," Sarawat drawled, still starting at Tine the way he sometimes did, eyes dark pools where unsuspecting souls came to drown.

Tine chuckled, catching Sarawat's callused hand to hold it in his own as he looked up, hair ruffled, trying to still his rapidly beating heart. Breathe. Sarawat was there with him, Tine could touch him easily and he was obviously not bleeding. So why the hell was Tine feeling so unsettled? The air felt so loaded, as if a bomb was about to drop at any time now.

"Whatever you want. I'm already used being under supervision twenty-four-seven anyway," Tine muttered. "P'Type's made a good job of it."

Sarawat smirked, squeezing Tine's clammy hand, eyes darting to the cell phone on the floor where the selfie camera had been unintentionally switched on, mirroring them from down below.

"So... what got you so dizzy anyway?" He teased, cocking his head to one side playfully, revealing a long stretch of tanned skin along his neck, curvy lips jutting out slightly.

"You, of course," Tine replied cheekily with a tiny giggle, cheeks dusted pink, finding himself being a little clever for the retort. His smile widened further, bunny teeth flashing and cheeks dimpling, as Tine noticed how Sarawat's ears flushed slightly, even though his facial expression remained passive.

call out my name [2gether]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें