CH 34 ‼️

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[Warning: this chapter might be triggering. Please see tags in the description of the story. FYI this is NOT the last chapter.]


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There was a booming, dull sound somewhere far away, absorbed by the gloomy, overhanging clouds on the dark horizon. Then the thunder suddenly rumbled much closer, its powerful sound rolling across the night sky and plunging down Sarawat's spine like an electric current. He had not been able to sleep, aimlessly strumming agitated melodies on his guitar while chaos raged inside his mind. The wind was now steadily picking up too, roaring outside and ominously rattling the thin frame of the open balcony door. The flimsy curtain that had been sucked outside was flapping against the window aimlessly.

Sarawat frowned, moving the acoustic guitar off his lap and getting up from his perch on the bed, naked feet padding over the floor. He pulled the tangled curtain inside first and then slid the door closed. Suddenly a flash cracked over the sky, illuminating the tiny room briefly in stark light, making Sarawat recoil as he got blinded for one moment, seeing only white.


His jaded heart thumbed a little faster. This shit storm came totally out of nowhere. The air wheezed dryly in his lungs, prompting him to cough nastily, shoulders shaking from the force of it. He felt something wet and warm against the palm of his hand and a trail of red saliva dragged from his lips, popping in the air, as he pulled his hand away from his scowling face. Sarawat curled his fingers immediately into a messy fist. If he did not acknowledge it, then it was simply not there.

Another rumble rolled over the horizon, reverberating through his bones, just as the sky finally cracked open and rain poured down mercilessly. The fat drops of water splattered against the window, pulling a hazy curtain over the outside world, reflecting Sarawat's fatigued expression back at him in the dark glass.

His skin had a pallid, unhealthy undertone to it, purple marring the thin skin under his eyes, slick blood smeared over his bow shaped lips. Sarawat squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see any of that – his own ruin. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand harshly, the tangy, iron taste still heavy on his tongue. He had helped save a life, he should feel proud of it and not lock himself up in this room like a dying animal.

But he did not want Tine to see this, whatever it was that was going on with him. His condition was getting worse. It had started innocently enough with nosebleeds but then it quickly proceeded to bloody coughs that were coming and going at strange intervals. It seemed like there was no end to it. He wondered what the final stage would be like, actually spewing his guts out until there was nothing left of him, choking on his heart?

Sarawat combed a frustrated hand through his messy hair, lips slightly parted. There was really no out of it this time, huh? It was like a vicious circle. A malicious give and take.

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