Chapter 2 - Nadia

Comincia dall'inizio

Though she was but a year younger than me, the difference between us was as clear as a summer day sky.

I couldn't deny that I confided in Isla the most out of what was left of this broken family. She kept me grounded and put me back together when I found that I could do neither.

"How was your hunting?" My brother, Klaus nudged my arm before tearing off a good bit of bread from the loaf before us, causing Cat to whine that he was getting too big of a share.

My knuckles where near white as I gripped the table to ease myself into the seat. I could tell that walking would be difficult tomorrow, with my legs already aching from the squatting and kneeling I done in the forest today.

"Surprisingly well, I finally managed to get enough meat to begin our supply for winter," Everyone began to sit as I lifted a spoonful of the steaming stew up to my chapped lips, relishing the feeling of the warm liquid seep into my crisp and water-deprived throat.

"Nadia, tonight's a full moon. Can we go out?" Clara pipped up, which had surprised me. She rarely spoke during meals, as she usually let the boisterous Klaus and Cat take over the conversation.

"Of course, why waste such an opportunity," the smile on my face was genuine as I couldn't deny that a full moon had spiritual abilities known to no man.

Once everyone had finished, we washed the dishes and put on our white linens and Teraks upon our heads.

"Come on, come on!" Cat yelled at me pulling me through the field as fast as her short legs could take her, while Klaus led the rest of us running through the field.

I laughed as I heard Clara yell from behind us to wait for her. Before we'd left, she'd lost our little game to decide who'd take the supplies to the river.

Once we'd arrived at our usual spot, Cat let go of my hand to follow Klaus into the forest to find sticks for our fire.

Isla had already taken out the napkins and set them in a ring upon the grass. Meanwhile Clara and I went to the edge of the river to search for stones.

Stones in hand, Klaus made a fire using their sticks and moss until smoke was rising steadily through the trees.

I gave a smile towards each of my sibling as we stood at the river's edge, the fire growing high behind us. Singing a chant that our mother had taught me, everyone joined in at the second verse. Raising our stones, we all yelled the final line before chucking them into the river as far as we could. The stones represented our soul and the river would take them to our loved ones to let them know we were alive and fighting. I never knew if the tradition was meant for those who were dead or alive, but I knew that especially for Cat and Klaus they needed this.

Though they never confided it to me, I knew that they feel strange never having met mother or father, mother dying giving birth to Cat and father being killed in the war only a few years later. At the time, Alistair, my older brother, was still here to help me take care of everyone. But things took a turn for the worse when I told too much.

I've never wished for another life, for that would bring me no resolve. I've been strong, and I'll continue to be. They need me and I them.

With the new resolution I guided everyone around the fire and sat upon the grass, grasping the napkin in my hand. The last part of the ritual was a song of gratitude for the land, sea, and moon. They all sat silently, closing their eyes and taking in the meaning of my words, until I finished. The silence was destroyed as they all stood up and began running around the fire while hooting and yelling and waving their napkins in the air.

After I'd caught my breath, I joined in. They all had smiles on their faces and giggles bubbling at their lips as they tossed their Teracks, flower crowns, into the air and catching them with their heads.

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