(OC) Kana/Break (SPOILERS(?))

Start from the beginning

"Not a single detail goes past me unnoticed."

Powers + Abilities:
🍊 Natural Game Disease Immunity: Like Emu, even though she didn't know, Kana can utilize the Gamer Driver and Rider Gashats without the need of the Compatibility Surgery. But her immunity isn't absolute due to her virus being rushed, meaning she can still be overwhelmed by a large dose of the Bugster Virus.
🍊 "Cut, Copy, Paste, Merge": Due to Kana having a buggy Bugster, she has the power to make her Gashats disappear and reappear, along with copy another Gashat (But she can only do it if both sides agree upon it). Similar to Emu's Gashat Creation Powers, Kana can create a new and higher power Gashat by merging two of them together but she can only do it for her Gashats (but if she's knocked out of her Henshin, her merged Gashat will un-merge).
🍊 Dual Personalities: Like Emu, she has two different personalities but due to her Bugster not being as strong as Parado and Emu (bond-wise). Her personality will changes when she put a Gamer Driver, making her more confident in a cocky/flirtatious way, but when she's regaining her senses, she blinks rapidly for a moment. Unlike Emu, Kana can't split apart from her Bugster due to them having extended history and she's part of who Kana is today.
🍊 Increased Agility: When Kana is possessed by her Bugster, she becomes more quicker and agile than usual.

🍊 Accessible Research: Due to her role as the Hospital's IT Specialist and as a CR Support-Aid (Later CR Doctor), Kana is able to access more information, mostly around the Gashats and classified documents, hence how she figured out about Kiriya's lie about his friend along with "hacking" into security cameras.
🍊 "Holder of the "OP" Tablet": Kana's Tablet that she's mostly seen holding it in her hands. She's able to look at a patient's vital signs if she's not in the Quarantine Room by connecting to the med-bay's control panel or scanning the patient in question. Also, she's able to see the health-bars of the Riders if they entered a Game Area. She can also pull up patient records or documents on it as she likes to work digitally.
🍊 High Intelligence/Analytical Skills: Similar to Taiga, Kana has always been a smart person, meaning she's able to retain important information or is able to pick up on something to make a mental note. She's also able to read someone's facial expression or body language to get a glimpse of their potential personality. Also, (As a Rider or normal), she has the ability to analyze her surroundings and work with the things around her, hence how she was able to get her Gashat from Genm. But as a rider, she can analyze the other riders' health and figure out a Bugster's weakness but she needs to figure out that information for it to show.
🍊 Adaptation: Like Hiiro, Kana is able to learn from her mistakes by figuring out ways to make up for a previous mistake.

"I may not be a doctor, but I'm still going to fight for the patients!"

🍊 Ruby (Formerly): Due to Ruby being the Bugster created by Kana, Ruby can take over Kana's consciousness effortlessly. However, Ruby can't take over Kana if she has already transformed or if Ruby is in a Game Area created by a Proto Gashat. But Ruby can't transform into Level 99 unless she has taken over Kana. But when Ruby fights Kana and is nearly defeated, she confessed that she doesn't even know her own feelings due to lying to herself, then says that she doesn't care what happens to her. But Kana accepts her as a way for her to atone for her sins, causing her to not be inflicted by Ruby as her Disease changed into more "firepower".
🍊 Game Migraines (Formerly): Before Kana got her Gashat, if Kana was in a Game Area for a period of time (15-20 minutes), she will begin to get a blinder of migraine, causing her to become an easy target as she would get dizzy and feel uneasy. Afterward, the effects will be faint but it would still be lingering, making Kana not being able to work at her full 100%.
🍊 Intense "Episodes": Due to Kana being the type of person that needs to find the answer to unanswered questions, she will get into these research episodes where she literally pushes herself to find an answer, causing her to be mentally drained afterward and possibly lose sleep.
🍊 Hidden Heart: Kana may not show it all the time but when she sees someone badly hurt or she sees one of the riders get forced out of their transformation, she either runs over to check on them or protect them if she still has the strength too. Hence why when Kiriya got badly hurt in EP 5, she took the initiative to treat him. Along with when Ex-Aid was monkeying around when he was "Gamer M", Kana made sure to do the major fighting to risk him from getting hurt.

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