Part 12:

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Chester and Brinley told Sawyer what was going on and asked if her mom would be willing to help them out because they weren't ready to involve their parents until they knew.
Sawyer knowing everyone loves her parents and they are known as the easy going cool parents told them to come over after school and she would text her mom to fill her in.

After spending the rest of the day paranoid about the results, Brinley and Sawyer met Chester at Saywers' house.
Chester saw all the cars where there meaning both Mr and Mrs Scott were in. His palms got sweaty thinking about how they'd react to know they were sexually active never mind the possibility of being pregnant.

As they walked in Mrs Scott just looked at Brinley and held her arms open as Brinley placed her head of her chest she cried.
"Hey, no tears until we know, let's go" she went upstairs will Brinley to do the test and left Chester and Sawyer downstairs in the kitchen awaiting the results.

Upstairs the girls waited to see what the pregnant test results were..
"Brin, I have a friend who had a baby in high school, she and her husband accomplished all they wanted too despite having him so young, if this is positive you know you still have a beautiful future ahead of you and I know Chester is older than you and Sawyer but don't worry.. it'll be okay"

The test beeped and as Brin turned it over the boldest words read PREGNANT and Brinley began to cry..
"No crying, you got this- we got this. Im here" Peyton said as she held her close again.

They both went downstairs and saw Lucas walking in through the garage and let them know what was happening. Chester just stood their silent. Unaware of knowing what to do or how to express how he felt. He just stood still.

Sawyer being the perfect person to break any tension in the room chirped up.
"Hey dad! This is Chester, he recently discovered your books and loved them"..
"Hey, thanks.. here's a signed copy! Enjoy it!" Lucas said.
"Thanks, I appreciate it" he said as all three kids walked out the house to go take their minds off things.

"Honey?" Luke said.
"Don't you think he looks really familiar?"
"Youve probably saw him at the game before realising he was Saywers friend"
"No, Peyton.. like really familiar" Luke says as he pulls the photo off the wall and hands it to Peyton.
"OH. MY. GOD!"

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