Part 3:

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**11 years ago: 1 year anniversary.

Haley puts Lydia into her highchair to give her breakfast as the news comes on in the background.

'Today marks 1 year since the horrific events that shook Tree Hill when local boy Jamie Scott went missing. He's the Son to Bobcats point guard Nathan Scott and superstar Haley James-Scott. There has been no further development in this case and it remains open.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of James Lucas Scott please cal-'

Nathan turns the TV off.
"We don't need to be listening to that Hales, we are living it"
"I know" she said wiping tears from her face.
"Karen said she would watch Lydia today, I need to print more flyers off and hand them around just to give people a reminder he's missing" Haley said as she cuts up bananas for sweet Lydia.
"Hales.. it's been a year.. I don't think"
"No Nathan don't say it" Haley interrupted - "I don't want to hear those words. Until their is proof my son is dead, I refuse to believe it" she snapped before walking away.

Nathan gets Lydia out of her highchair puts her down on the floor to play when a knock at the door makes him freeze.
For a split second he had a vision of Jamie walking through screaming daddy I'm home.
As he walks towards the door, it opens and its Lucas "Hey we are just checking in. Anything we can do? Want us to take Lydia?" He asked trying to be there in the best way he could.
"She's going with your mom, Haley arranged it. You can take her there if you wish"
"Sure" he said as he picks up Lydia "Hey baby girl, You look more like your mama everyday!" Lucas chuckled as Lydia pulls her famous Lydia pout face.

Lucas takes Lydia to go see Karen and Nathan goes upstairs to look for Haley.. when he gets to their room he realises she is gone and speaks to himself "Damn Hales where have you gone now!"

Nathan got his shoes on and hopped in the car to drive around town and try to find his wife.
He slowly drives past the rivercourt and sees Haley there with who he thinks is Skills. He pulls up and hops out the car and walks over.
"Hales" he shouts.
"What you doing? Why didn't you say you were leaving?"
"Sorry Nathan, I had to get out, I had to do something. I came here and saw what Skills did. He, got the Rivercourt renamed"
Jimmy Jam River Court
"It was a team effort. It's not a memorial, it's a celebration of how much J Luke means to us all. It's hope. Every time someone plays on this court it'll be a constant reminder that he's out there cuz I'm like you Haley James my man Jamie is out there. I believe in it" Skills explained.

Nathan and Haley hug, Skills taps them both on the back.
"With you two as his parents there's never gonna be a day without someone looking for him, that I know" Skills says as he walks off.

"We love you Jamie" Haley whispers as she looks up.
"Wherever you are. You're always my Jimmy Jam"

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