Part 8:

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Chester spent all night reading the book that Brinley game him, he became so invested in the world inside it. Peyton Sawyer and Lucas Scott not matter how many times the universe pulled them apart they always went back to each other and he finds that beautiful.

At school he runs over to Brinley..
"I loved that book so much, do you have the other one? The follow on?" He begged.
"Calm down nerd" she laughed "Of course we do! I'll bring it over for you tonight.. I'll send you a link to the tv show you can view it from your cell.
Chester looks down at his phone and just says
"Yes sure okay!"
Brinley sends the link to his phone unaware he wasn't able to open and view them.
"Okay thanks!" He said before walking off to class.

On his way to class all he could think about was how was he going to talk about this tv show trailer if he couldn't view it.
After class Beckham calls Chester over to him.
"Hey, so I've been noticing you've been getting close with my sister.. just look after her okay, I don't want her hurt" he warned.
"Don't worry. We are just friends" he replied.
"Yeah sure" Beckham laughed. "Come on let's go".

All Chesters' worries finally came true, Brin asked him about the trailer - he tries to lie but she can tell.
"It's good"
"Don't lie to me, you haven't watched it have you?" She asked.
"I can't view it. I have the old cell phone. My mom, you know over protective to the outside world" he said embarrassed about it.
"Eh, we have to get you a good cell phone dude" she laughed and pulled the video up on her phone. They both sat there and watched the short trailer for the tv show.
"Sawyers dad is really the mastermind behind this? It looks great, filled with drama"
"Absolutely he did. I've seen two episodes. There's a whole season though, Sawyer likes us to not watch it- you know keeping her parents lives and hers separate, I think it's cool though" Brin explained.

As the school day was over Chester made his way home and upon arriving he saw his mom packing some things into a suitcase.
"What's happening?" Chester said with a worried look on this face.
"I have to go somewhere, I will be back in a week. I'm trusting you"
Chester was in utter shock, she had never trusted him before. He was never allowed to be on his own other than school.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"I just have to go visit a friend, it's best you stay here"
"Okay! Have fun mom"
Not passing up the chance to be alone with friends Chester was full of plans for the week!

He ran upstairs and texted his little group.


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