Part 5:

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It's been 2 whole year's without Jamie Scott and everyone is feeling the pain differently.
Brooke Davis sits at her computer staring at the post she just wrote on the "Find James Lucas Scott" Facebook page the town had created to draw nationwide attention.
"Dear Jamie, my godson.
Words can't describe how much we all miss you. I miss you correcting me and calling me Brooke PENELOPE Davis. I miss your little cheeky smile that brightened up any room. It's been 2 years since you disappeared and a lot has started to change. We are all still eager as ever to find you..
Uncle Julian and I have a new special cousin for you, you would love her.. her name is Amy. She's only weeks old but we tell her about you all the time.
If by some miracle you read this. Come home.
Come back to Tree Hill, North Carolina.
We need you here.
Love you so much Jamie. Forever and always, Aunt B"
As she goes to close off the page she feels a hand on shoulder.
"Hey" he whispers.
"I have a proposal for you.. I wanted to wait but today seems fitting" he continued.
"Yeah? What's that" Brooke asked.
"Let's go home"
"We are home?" .. "Julian what are you going on about" she asked.
"Well, New York will never be our home. We are so far away from everyone we love and you always speak about missing that place, the people who live in that place, Haley, Nathan, Lydia.. Lucas, Peyton and Sawyer when they visit there you always miss out on all that. I think it's time we go back" Julian explained.

Brooke's POV:

Of course he was right. New York will never be home for me or him since moving there. The first year we spent in Tree Hill - Julian feel in love.
But it comes with a lot of pain, so much pain. For so many reasons. I can't look at Peyton's old house without flashbacks of our attack. I can't even go to Haley's house without feeling all of her sadness but I know deep down we all need each other.
If Nathan and Haley can stay there after having their son kidnapped from there we can go back.


"Okay, Julian. Let's plan it" she said with half a smile of her face.
"Well.. good. I'm glad you said that because I already brought your old house" he laughed.
"It's time to be the girl behind the red door again Mrs Davis-Baker!"

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