Part 1:

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12 years ago:

Dispatch we have a 9-20 Charlie, missing person critical.
"Okay we are going to need an exact description of your son" the officer said calmly.
"His name is James Lucas Scott, he's 4 years old.. he's wearing a black tuxedo.. he has blue eyes and sandy blonde hair" Haley told them while holding back here tears.


"Hey Jimmy Jam" .. "I got you a new outfit... also if you could change your name to any name in the world what would it be?" Nanny Carrie asked.
"Easy, Chester!" Jamie replied laughing.
"Chester, how about we call you Chester from now on?.. it'll mean we can go have cool adventures undercover like a police officer" Carrie told him trying to make him excited for a new identity.
"Awesome" Jamie replies.


Its another new day at another new school and Chester hated the moving around more than anything.

"Hey mom, why do I have to do this again? I wish I could just stay in one place. I don't understand it." Chester pleads for some reasonable explanation.
"I told you before Ches, work keeps us moving. We have to go where the money is!"

They moved every 6 months and never used their real names anywhere, although at this stage Chester forgot his name used to be James, he doesn't even know his mom had a different name.

Upon arriving at school, Chester goes to the office to sign the last of the paperwork with his mom.
"Chester Adams" the receptionist called.
They both walk over and are greeted and guided to the office.
"Welcome to St Paul High School, I'm your principal Mr Cook"
"Hi Mr Cook. This is Chesters 6th high school we have been too, we move around a lot due to my work life. I'm hoping that we will get to stay here until graduation day so Ches can say he finally stayed in school enough to graduate with a class he knows" Grace explains.
"Well Ms Adams we are missing some details on Chesters paperwork to transfer, according to previous schools you have missed out details regarding birth certificates"
"Chester why don't you wait outside sweetie" Grace asked.

Chester gets up and goes to sit out in the hall, wondering why she doesn't just say it in front of him.. like he hasn't figured it out already, it's obvious he was adopted he looks nothing like his mom.

"Mr Cook, Chester is my sister's son, that's why the names on the birth certificate don't match mine. She became unable to care for him following a spell with her depression and I have cared for him ever since. He calls me mom and we are in the process of adopting him but I'm constantly moving, here I have my custodian grant here." She tells the principal.
"Ok, I see. Thank you Ms Adams, I shall get this filed in with the rest of the paper work."
"Thank you, Sir" Grace says as she stands up and begins to walk out the office to Chester outside.
"Hey Ches, enjoy your first day, I'll see you at home"
"Thanks mom"

Chester walks down the hall to find his first class.
"Ugh math" he muttered to himself as he approaches the door.
He walks in and the teacher says "newbie, back row right next to Sawyer Scott"
"Ok" Ches says as he goes and sits next to her.

"Hi, Chester Adams" he says to her going to shake her hand.
"Sawyer Scott, nice to meet you"


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