Good Tidings We Bring (To You and Your Kin)

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Also part of "Their Future" series

Christmas 2026

Coulson and May walked to the common room of the Lighthouse. It was Christmas morning. The Christmas Eve festivities last night lasted a little later than everyone expected. All the adults were completely passed out on the couches. May and Coulson couldn't exactly blame them: they were parents after all.

On the first couch lied Fitzsimmons. Jemma was leaning into his side, her head leaning on his shoulder. Fitz's head lied on top of Jemma's, and his arm was placed around her shoulders. Next to them lied Bobbi and Hunter. Hunter was sleeping practically sitting straight up. How he was doing that, they had no idea. Bobbi lied on her side, her head laying in Hunter's lap. Hunter was most likely combing his fingers through her hair before he fell asleep. On the second couch, Mack and Yoyo lied fast asleep in a similar position as Fitzsimmons. Elena wasn't exactly short, but May had to laugh at how small she looked in Mack's arms. Next to them were Daisy and Daniel. Daisy was fully embraced by Daniel. Both their arms were placed protectively over Daisy's swollen abdomen, where their unborn child stayed safe and sound until their arrival this upcoming February.

Coulson turned on the Christmas lights on the tree. He smiled as he looked down at all the presents their grandchildren were receiving that morning. "What do you think?" he turned to May. "Should we wake them up?"

"Them?" May asked, pointing to the sleeping parents. 

Phil shook his head. "The kids. We should give the parents maybe ten more minutes."

"Ah," May said. "Probably. It's already eight a.m., and I'm completely surprised that none of them are awake yet."

"Well, they were up later than usual last night," Coulson remembered. May smiled as they went to wake their grandchildren.

The couple walked through the hallways towards the bunks. When their agents began having kids, they made sure that the kids would have their own rooms.

Coulson went to Bobbi and Hunter's kids' room first. On the bed lied their three-year-old son, Damien. On the couch was their seven-year-old daughter, Isabelle, who was already awake. The young girl immediately got up and ran towards Coulson.

"Papa Coulson!" she shouted, running into his arms. 

Coulson caught her, lifting her up. "Well, good morning to you, Bella. You sleep well?"

"Uh-huh," she said. "I had a hard time sleeping a little because I was too excited for Christmas, but I made sure to go to sleep so that Santa would come."

"Well, guess what?"


"Santa came."

"He did!"

Coulson nodded. "Why don't we wake up your brother, so we can open presents." Phil put Bella back on the ground.

"Good luck," the girl said. "Momma said that Damien sleeps like daddy."

Coulson laughed, knowing Hunter was a pretty deep sleeper. He rubbed the arm of Damien softly. "Hey, Damien," he said softly. "You wanna wake up for Papa Coulson?"

The toddler groaned as he began to wake up. "It's too early."

"Don't you wanna open presents?" The toddler shrugged. Coulson just had to laugh. Of course, Hunter's kid would prefer sleep over gifts. "What about chocolate-chip pancakes?"

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