chapter 10

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"When have I ever uttered the word 'confidant'," Louis moans, making Niall and Liam cackle

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"When have I ever uttered the word 'confidant'," Louis moans, making Niall and Liam cackle. He honestly cannot believe this. When they had been in New York City Jeff had said he would put out a non-denial after the photo-op of Harry and Louis leaving for the airport — fabricating sources with non-existent quotes from Louis was decidedly not what he had said.

"It isn't that bad," Liam says, taking a large sip from his red solo cup. "It just makes you two sound very adorable."

"It sounds nothing like me!" He downs the last of his alcoholic beverage. While the basic content of the citations aren't farfetched, the wording is entirely off. The fact that millions of people will think he talks like that is absurd. So absurd.

"Easy," Niall says, extending a hand to steady him as he stumbles on his own feet. The vodka is getting to his head... perhaps.

"Ni," he says to him, tucking into his side. "You need to lighten up. This is a party. Smile, like Liam. He is smiling." His eyes flash to Liam, who is staring at him with what is positively not a smile. "Smile," Louis demands.

Niall squeezes his waist. "We're only not smiling because we're concerned about your state. How are you going to make it until morning without passing out? You said we were gonna 'party till dawn'."

Louis squints at him for a long moment. "You are not wrong. You are right. I need more alcohol."

Liam rolls his eyes, and Louis manages to hear Niall say 'screw it' and down his drink, before he gets lost in the crowd of people cramming the living room of Harry's residence. His knees are wobbly, but the music blasting through the house still makes him want to dance. He sneaks his way in between co-workers and friends of Harry's, nodding to someone he recognises, giving them a wave. Nearly every person who knows of Harry's sexuality — which is a fair amount — is here tonight. Industry pals, some celebrity friends, the tour crew, his writing team and producers... all of them. Several of them even flew out from the UK to be here with Harry, and Louis is entirely pleased and impressed all at once.

Last Louis saw the soon-to-be-out-of-the-closet gay man himself, he was giving an extravagant performance of I Will Survive with a bottle of Jack Daniel's as microphone. This time when he enters the kitchen, he is met with the sight of five grown men and one woman doing a rendition of Y.M.C.A, the song echoing from the sound system throughout the room.

Louis stops for a second on his way to the station of alcohol, watching Julian Bunetta, Jamie Scott, Harry, Jack, Glenne, and the band's tour manager Peter dance and make arm gestures with a level of enthusiasm that would be hard to mirror, smiles large on their faces. Someone else is filming, and the people surrounding the six of them are laughing and singing along.

The entire night has been one homosexual christening, almost. The house is decked out in glitter and bright colours, the Spotify playlist containing gay anthems — and gay anthems only — that have been going on repeat for hours. Harry's enormous pile of gifts on the kitchen table is a mix of sex toys, alternative clothing, expensive alcohol, and one majorly extravagant art piece gifted from Harry's music label. They had toasted earlier, all raising their purple vodka drinks and singing It's Raining Men on top of their lungs. Very memorable, indeed.

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